
Four ways to grow raspberries

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cutting planting: raspberry can be cut off and stored in autumn with the length of about 40cm, and then taken out for cutting in the early spring of next year. Strip planting: the front end of the branch is buried in the soil in August, and new seedlings can germinate that year. Individual plant and species

Cutting planting: raspberry can be cut off and stored in autumn with the length of about 40cm, and then taken out for cutting in the early spring of next year. Strip planting: the front end of the branch is buried in the soil in August, and new seedlings can germinate that year. Split planting: raspberries sprout a lot of root seedlings every year, which can be divided into several small segments to bury in autumn. Seed planting: seeds can be evenly scattered on sandy soil in spring or autumn, covering a small amount of fine soil.

I. Cuttage planting

The cutting of raspberries is usually planted in autumn. In autumn, the branches that grow up to 40 cm a year are cut off for storage, taken out in early spring, and an one-meter-wide border is dug to insert the stored branches from both ends. The distance between each raspberry is about 20 cm, two rows are a row, and it is arched. Cut the branches when sprouting, so that two raspberry seedlings can be obtained.

2. Striping propagation

Striping propagation is mostly in August every year, when the front part of the raspberry branch is placed on the ground and buried in the soil, or the whole branch is pushed down and buried, so that new buds can sprout in the same year. When the strong and healthy branches are broken from the parent branches, a new raspberry seedling is produced.

3. Ramet propagation

The roots of raspberries sprout many young seedlings every year, and they can change from a small one to a cluster without remembrance. Autumn is the best time for ramet propagation. Dig out the root millet seedlings with tools and divide them into several small sections for burial, and then they can be formally planted next spring.

IV. Seed planting

Raspberry seeds are sown in spring and autumn, seed selection depends on whether there is a withered site, the selection of good seeds is a prerequisite for the success of raspberry planting, if the seed selection is not appropriate, then all efforts will be in vain. When sowing, you only need to spread the seeds evenly on the sandy soil, slightly cover the fine soil, do not cover too much soil, the seeds should not be too dense, otherwise it will affect the growth of raspberries.

Matters needing attention in raspberry planting

1. Fertilization

If you want the raspberry yield to be higher than usual, you must do a good job in fertilizer and water management of the raspberry. In addition to the basic fertilizer, the raspberry needs to be fertilized twice. The basic fertilizer is usually farm manure, and the right amount of urea and phosphate fertilizer should be added.

(1) the first topdressing is at the time of flowering, mainly using nitrogen fertilizer to prolong the flowering period, and spraying some non-toxic agents to promote fruit growth.

(2) after a week of fruit setting, the second topdressing was used to promote the growth of fruit and root system with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to prepare for high yield in the coming year.

2. Pruning

In the process of raspberry growth, branches and leaves continue to grow, so when planting, we should pay attention to the density of branches and leaves, so that raspberries have enough space to stretch their branches and leaves, and after growing new branches and leaves, they can cut off the diseased branches and leaves to reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption.

When the raspberries are harvested, the branches and leaves of the raspberries should be pruned to promote high yield in the coming year. At this time, it is necessary to cut off the branches that have borne fruit, and then wrap them in plastic wrap. In the coming year, new branches will grow and be able to bear new fruit.

3. Harvest

Raspberries are harvested in batches. Only ripe fruits and vegetables are harvested each time, and half-ripe raspberries and green raspberries are used for the second and third harvest.