
5 key points of late management of ginger

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Watering small water frequently: watering every 7-10 days can reduce the amount of water in the rainy season. Balanced fertilization: can apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, zinc sulfate, borax and so on. Cultivate the soil for many times: cultivate the soil 2-3 times during growth. Disease prevention and pest control: using ginger treasure, ginger distemper powder, imidacloprid, Lvba, etc.

Watering small water frequently: watering every 7-10 days can reduce the amount of water in the rainy season. Balanced fertilization: can apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, zinc sulfate, borax and so on. Cultivate the soil for many times: cultivate the soil 2-3 times during growth. Disease prevention and pest control: use ginger treasure, ginger distemper powder, imidacloprid, Lvba and other control. Timely harvest: the suitable harvest time is mid-October.

First, pour a little water frequently

The main results are as follows: 1. Ginger likes to grow in a humid and drought-resistant environment, and it is usually appropriate to water it after shallow hoeing and loosening the soil. if there is drought after planting, it is necessary to increase the times of watering, but it is not suitable for flooding.

February and September is the exuberant period of ginger rhizome growth, so the water demand increases obviously, generally watering once every 7-10 days is appropriate, Rain Water should try to water less when there is too much, watering can choose morning or evening, and try not to water at noon.

II. Balanced fertilization

1. Ginger has a relatively long growing period, so it needs a large amount of fertilizer, especially in the middle and later stages of ginger growth, which accounts for about 80% of the whole growth period. in the first and middle of September, when the ginger seedlings have 6-8 bifurcations, it is a period of rapid rhizome expansion, during which the appropriate amount of fertilizer can be topdressing according to plant growth, which is called "supplementary fertilizer".

2. This topdressing can not only promote the luxuriant stems and leaves, but also make the roots and stems of ginger expand rapidly, at the same time, it can also prevent the late growth of defertilizing, resulting in premature senescence of stems and leaves, affecting quality and yield. Generally, nitrogen and potassium fertilizer 20KG can be applied per mu, combined with topdressing can supplement boron fertilizer, zinc fertilizer and other trace fertilizers in time.

3. Generally, zinc sulfate 2kg and borax 1kg can be applied per mu, which is beneficial to improve the quality and yield of ginger. For the land with the phenomenon of de-fertilizing, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed on the leaf surface twice, which can obviously increase the yield in the later stage.

Third, cultivate the soil many times

1. Because the growth of ginger rhizome needs to be in the dark environment, the soil should be cultivated many times. Generally, the soil should be cultivated for 2-3 times in the process of growth. The first soil cultivation can be carried out at the time of big topdressing, and it is suitable for the soil to cover the farm manure.

2. Do not be too thick to avoid affecting the growth of seedlings. Wait until 15 days later to cultivate the soil for the second to third time. Finally, the soil should be ridged and the rhizome should not be exposed to the ground.

IV. Disease prevention and pest control

1. Ginger blast is a destructive disease during the growth period of ginger, and it is also a major factor affecting the quality and yield of ginger. It is generally dominated by comprehensive control measures, such as crop rotation, drainage ditch, drainage and waterlogging prevention, or chemical control. Generally, you can choose to use Jiangbao, Jiangqian powder, Lvba and so on, and use 1500-2000 times medicine solution to irrigate the root.

2. If seriously diseased plants are found, they should be pulled out in time and marked with lime. After the ginger is harvested, the soil should be buried well.

3. The main pests are ginger borer, ginger thrips, beet armyworm, etc. Generally, the insect situation should be investigated regularly, and insecticides should be used in advance before the occurrence of pests. Pyrethroids pesticides and imidacloprid and other pesticides can be sprayed and controlled every 7-10 days.

Fifth, timely harvest

The main results are as follows: 1. The suitable harvest time of ginger is about October 20-25, the southern region can be appropriately delayed by 3-5 days, and the eastern Hebei producing area can be harvested 7 days earlier, at this time, the harvest can reduce the freezing injury and make full use of the golden period of increasing yield in the later stage of ginger.

2. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the better harvest time and not to harvest prematurely. In order to facilitate storage and nutrient reflux, the stalks around 3cm can be retained to promote nutrient reflux, and the timing can be flexibly grasped according to the market situation.