
Planting time and Management techniques of Pepper

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting time: the better sowing time in spring and early summer is from March to July. Soil preparation and application of base fertilizer: deep ploughing soil 10-15 cm, stable fertilizer about 5000 kg, calcium superphosphate 15-20 kg. Seedling planting: after waiting for the seedling to emerge, water the seedling bed on a sunny morning.

Planting time: the better sowing time in spring and early summer is from March to July. Soil preparation and application of base fertilizer: deep ploughing soil 10-15 cm, stable fertilizer about 5000 kg, calcium superphosphate 15-20 kg. Seedling planting: wait for the seedling to emerge, water the seedling bed in the sunny morning, and then plant it in the afternoon. Field management: small water should be irrigated before harvest, and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: spray disinfection with 800-fold solution of new high-fat membrane before planting.

First, planting time

The main results are as follows: 1. the planting time of hot pepper needs to be determined according to the local climatic conditions. because the hot pepper has the habit of loving heat, the better sowing time in spring and early summer is from March to July.

2. Generally, appropriate early sowing will promote the pepper to grow more fully, which is beneficial to more than a few crops of pepper. When sowing, the pepper does not need to accelerate germination, but can be sown directly, during which all the seeds will be buried, and then watered thoroughly.

II. Applying basic fertilizer for land preparation

The selection of land requires convenient drainage and irrigation and loose soil. Generally, the plot should be ploughed deeply before planting, the depth is 10-15cm, and sufficient base fertilizer should be applied at the same time. During this period, stable fertilizer 5000kg and calcium superphosphate 15-20kg can be applied, and ditches should be opened at the same time to avoid stagnant water and convenient irrigation.

III. Seedling planting

The main results are as follows: 1. Early-maturing varieties can choose to sow in January, and late-maturing varieties can choose to sow in February-March, and then wait for seedling emergence to be planted. Generally, it is necessary to water the seedbed in the morning and then plant in the afternoon.

2. The suitable row spacing for early-maturing varieties is 40-50cm, the plant spacing is 26-33cm, and 1-2 seedlings can be retained in each hole, while for late-maturing varieties, the suitable row spacing is 66-73cm, plant spacing is 50-60cm, and one seedling can be retained in each hole.

IV. Field management

The main results are as follows: 1. Generally, small water and early topdressing should be applied before pepper harvest, combined with ploughing, appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied to promote the robust growth of seedlings, prevent falling flowers, and remove the side branches on the main stem below the first flower.

2. In the harvest period, chili peppers should be harvested in advance, watered and fertilized in time, and watered in the morning and evening in case of high temperature season, which is beneficial to keep the soil moist and a small amount of chemical fertilizer can be applied at the same time.

V. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

The main results are as follows: 1. The common diseases and insect pests of hot pepper are bacterial wilt and powdery mildew. Generally, the resistant varieties should be selected for the control of bacterial wilt. 100-200ppm agricultural streptomycin is sprayed with water in the early stage of the disease, which can be sprayed continuously for 3 times, irrigating roots every 10-15 days and irrigating 2-3 times continuously.

2. For the prevention and control methods of powdery mildew, the varieties with good disease resistance should be selected first, and the new high lipid membrane 800x solution can be sprayed and disinfected before planting, and the early stage of disease can be sprayed with 1000 times of Duopont Fuxing solution and 3000 times of DuPont Fuxing solution.