
Party newspaper: large grain growers can only maintain their capital, but farmers still want to.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, When the price of grain has fallen, do farmers still want to grow grain? The large grain growers from Qing'an County, Heilongjiang Province can only maintain their capital, and the enthusiasm for land transfer may be affected. On December 9, the heavy snow and solar terms have passed, and Heilongjiang in the north is freezing. A heavy snow fell a few days ago, still

When the price of grain has fallen, do farmers still want to grow grain?

-- A survey from Qingan County, Heilongjiang Province

Large grain growers can only maintain capital, and the enthusiasm of land transfer may be affected.

On December 9, the heavy snow and solar terms have passed, and it is freezing in Heilongjiang in the north. A heavy snow a few days ago still accumulated thickly in the ground, showing bits and pieces of crop straw.

The cold weather did not have much impact on farmers' grain sales. At the entrusted purchase site of China Grain Storage-- Qingan County Fenglongquan Jingu Grain Storage Co., Ltd., the reporter met Zhang Zhiyi, a major grain grower.

Lao Zhang, 52, who lives in Xinsheng Village, Xinsheng Township, has been growing rice for nearly 40 years since he graduated from junior high school. In recent years, there has been a gradual increase in the number of relatives going to the city to provide for the aged and going out to work, and the land has been transferred to his name. Lao Zhang's planting area has been expanding, reaching 40 yuan this year (one grain is equal to 15 mu), becoming the largest grain grower in the village.

"the output this year is all right." Lao Zhang said that the production capacity has reached more than 16000 jin, which is basically the same as in previous years. The minimum purchase price of rice in Heilongjiang was launched on October 10, 20 days earlier than in previous years, but the purchase price of standard japonica rice was still 1.55 yuan per jin, which did not rise as expected by rice farmers.

In Lao Zhang's opinion, "if you don't go up, you go down." Although the price is not satisfactory, he did not wait for the future. "there is too much grain, which is difficult to manage. Sell it early and don't worry about it. As soon as the purchase point opened the scale, I went to the broker to start selling grain, and now it's basically sold out. " The moisture and impurity contents of rice in the early and later stages were different, but on average they were sold at 1.51 yuan per jin. The gross income of nearly 1 million yuan is considerable to outsiders, but Lao Zhang is not satisfied.

"I only have two taels of land in my own house, and the rent for the rest of the land costs 10,000 yuan a year." He and his wife are the only ones in Lao Zhang's family to farm the land, and they need to hire people to do a lot of work. "Labor costs have risen so much in recent years that it costs 400 yuan a day to hire someone to pick seedlings when transplanting seedlings." Coupled with the expenses of seeds, fertilizer, water and agricultural machinery, the cost of farming a grain of rice is nearly 20,000 yuan. "my 40 acres of land is divided into 13 plots. When the farmer is busy, I get up early and go out early. When I run through all this land, it will be dark. Throughout the year, he earns 5000 yuan at a stroke, and the hard work is really out of proportion to the income. "

Speaking of his plans for next year, Zhang Zhiyi made it clear that "I don't want to plant it." Not only do you not want to plant any more land, but even your own land is going to be transferred. But Lao Zhang is worried that seeing this year's market, no one will be willing to rent the land next year.

Compared with large rice growers, the situation of large corn growers is less optimistic. The temporary collection and storage price of corn in Northeast China this year is 1 yuan per jin, which is at most 0.13 yuan lower than that of last year.

Song Fulin in Shengli Village, Suisheng Manchu Town, Qingan County, planted 10 tons of corn, of which more than 8 tons were transferred. It was cold and rainy in June and July this year, and it was hit by a storm in August, with only 23000 jin of corn per plot, 3000 jin less than in previous years. Due to the large amount of water, the purchase price was also affected, selling only 0.7 yuan per jin.

Song Fulin says that this year, the income per hectare will be 16000 yuan, but the land rent will be 9000 yuan, plus the planting cost and loan interest of nearly 6000 yuan. "this year is really in vain." When he said this, there was a lot of helplessness in his words.

Corn prices are expected to fall next year. "unless the land rent also falls sharply, I don't really want to rent land and grow grain again." So said the big family, who has been renting land and growing grain for more than 10 years.

The growers of their own land are not much affected, and selling grain and getting money in time will help stabilize the enthusiasm of farmers.

In Fengshou Village, Fengshou Township, Qingan County, the place name with a beautiful meaning makes the food and agriculture Li Zhanguo feel the joy of harvest.

Lao Li, 54, a family of four who manage their own 6-grain rice, have had a good harvest this year, hitting more than 100000 jin of rice. Since I live near the Fenglongquan purchase point, I can sell grain directly, saving even the money for the car and foot to the broker. The purchase price of 1.51 yuan per jin makes Lao Li's net income close to 20,000 yuan. "this year we don't have to hire people to grow our own land, and the harvest is good."

When asked if the land would be transferred to expand the scale, Lao Li said quite honestly, "if the scale is too large, rents and labor costs will go up, so it's not cost-effective, so we'll just consider a few more dollars within our own business capacity."

Although the decline in grain prices has caused some annoyance to farmers this year, the process of selling grain is more transparent and the payment for grain sales is more timely, which has dispelled their negative feelings to a certain extent.

In Fenglongquan Golden Valley Grain Storage Co., Ltd., the reporter saw that after the grain truck entered the grain depot gate and stopped on the scale, the fixed automatic sampler began to sample. Niu Jingsheng, general manager of the company, said that in the past, employees climbed ladders and boarded the car bucket, and then used conical "spies" to pick up grain for testing, which was inconvenient and unscientific. Now automatically take 10 points, take about 20 jin of samples, not only save time, ordinary people (69.96,-0.70,-0.99%) also feel more fair.

In the lounge, two screens attracted the attention of reporters. One shows the work scene of inspectors, financial personnel, etc., and the other shows the data of grain weight, moisture, roughness rate, head rice rate and so on. Niu Jingsheng said that in the past, farmers always worried that their grain would be depressed, but now these display systems improve the transparency of the grain purchase process, so that farmers can safely sell "clear grain."

If you sell grain at ease, you should also get the money to sell it in time. Qu Bogan, a grain broker, has been in the business for more than 20 years and has sold millions of yuan of grain every year. When it comes to selling grain this year, he feels that he has "a lot of money".

"in the past, although selling grain was a cash transaction, you sometimes had to wait four or five days to get the money. This year, we will pay by card. The grain will be delivered in the morning and the money will arrive in the afternoon. Even if it is dark after unloading the car, the money will be on the card the next day. "

Wang Fuli, a customer director of the Heilongjiang Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank of China, said that this year, the payment and settlement of credit funds for grain purchase will implement the integration of "three certificates," that is, the identity information of the purchase code sheet, the grain seller's ID card, and the personal bank card must be the same; and the Agricultural Development Bank will extend the settlement time from 8 hours to 12 hours to ensure that grain purchase funds are paid to grain sellers in an accurate and timely manner.

At present, in Heilongjiang, the plan for the lowest purchase price for rice has been implemented for more than two months, and the acquisition of temporary storage corn is also reaching a peak. According to data from the Heilongjiang Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank, as of December 15, the bank had issued loans of 41.6 billion yuan to support the acquisition of 26.1 billion jin of rice at the lowest purchase price, and 43.8 billion yuan in loans for temporary storage corn to support the acquisition of 39.1 billion jin of corn.

To solve the contradiction between the policy of supporting the market and protecting the interests of agriculture and agriculture, the key is to find "export" for grain.

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics a few days ago, the country's total grain output this year is 1.24287 trillion jin, an increase of 28.82 billion jin or 2.4% over last year. This is the 12th consecutive year of bumper harvest since 2004. But at the same time, high inventory pressure, lower food prices and higher production costs have become "harvest troubles".

In the face of squeeze, the space has become smaller and smaller, the effect has become weaker and weaker, and the current grain collection and storage policy system is facing challenges and tests. How to further protect the interests of farmers also remains to be answered.

Ouyangping, president of the Heilongjiang Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank, said, "there is an urgent need to solve the problem of grain 'export'. Only by opening up the 'export' and allowing the grain collected can be used out, can there be no problems with this' import'in the acquisition link, and can the interests of farmers be guaranteed. "

To solve the problem of "export", we need to digest the existing inventory safely. The reporter learned that in recent years, policy-oriented grain stocks in Heilongjiang have been rising. In April this year, Heilongjiang Province issued a subsidy policy for bidding for processing policy grain for grain processing enterprises with an annual processing capacity of more than 100000 tons. Bidding for 200 yuan for a ton of corn and 100 yuan for a ton of rice, and later increased the subsidy to 400 yuan and 200 yuan respectively. The policy pull had a certain effect on destocking.

In the analysis of the reasons for this year's bumper grain harvest, the increase in planting area of high-yield crops such as corn is an important factor, but corn is also a variety with a high stock. Therefore, to solve the problem of "export", it is fundamentally necessary to adjust the planting structure. In August this year, the Ministry of Agriculture put forward the "sickle bend" area corn structure adjustment plan. The planting area of maize in the "sickle bend" area, including the cold zone in northeast China, accounts for 1 / 3 of the whole country, which will be the key area of corn structural adjustment in China in the future. Through the methods of "grain and bean rotation", "changing grain to feed" and "fallow management", the traditional concept of "planting for grain and straw as feed" will gradually change, and "planting for breeding" may become a new way to solve the problem of "export". Reporter Zhu Jun