
I will tell you when to use wheat herbicide before the year, in winter and after the seedling.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Two periods are generally selected for weeding wheat, that is, before and just after the end of the year, that is, wheat seedling stage and wheat green stage, the wheat seedling stage is about late November in most areas, and the wheat green period is between late February and early March.

Two periods are generally selected for weeding wheat, that is, before and just after the end of the year, that is, wheat seedling stage and wheat green stage, the wheat seedling stage is about late November in most areas, and the wheat green period is between late February and early March. These two periods are the better periods for wheat to spray herbicides.

When is the right time to hit wheat herbicide

The main results are as follows: 1. There are usually two periods, before and just after the end of the year, that is, the wheat seedling stage and the wheat green stage. In most areas, the wheat seedling stage is about late November, and the wheat green stage is between late February and early March. These two periods are the best periods for wheat to spray herbicides.

2. Weeds in wheat field can use post-seedling herbicides to control Gramineae weeds, broad-leaved weed herbicides and compatible broad-spectrum herbicides, such as benzenesulfuron, trimethoprim, 2-methyl-4-chloro, cyanoiodobenzonitrile and so on. It is used to expand the herbicide spectrum, in which benzosulfuron-methyl is a highly efficient herbicide with internal absorption, high selectivity and conductivity, and its quality is safe and reliable.

3. You can choose to spray in wheat 3-4 leaf stage and weeds in 2-3 leaf stage, using 75% benzosulfuron dry suspension 0.9-1.8g per mu, plus cypermethrin 16-27g/ mu, mixed with water 30kg, mixed and sprayed uniformly, or you can also use cyanazine mixed with 2m 2-methyl-4-chloropropionic acid, 4-dipropionic acid, isopropion, atrazine, etc., which can expand the species of weeds and improve the control effect.

Time and matters needing attention when wheat is beaten with herbicides

1. Do not use herbicides before and after the fourth leaf of wheat.

The wheat before the 4-leaf stage is very delicate, and the detoxification ability and immunity are low, and it is easy to produce drug harm. Generally, after the jointing stage, the wheat will enter the booting stage, which is relatively fragile. At this time, herbicides are easy to produce drug damage, especially dimethyltetrachloride. It is possible to cause wheat ear failure or deformity, seriously affecting wheat yield.

2. Do not use wheat herbicides when the temperature is below 6 ℃

In low temperature weather, the control effect of herbicides is not ideal, so it is necessary to use herbicides at a daily average temperature of more than 6 ℃. The weeding effect is better from 10:00 to 3 p.m., because weeds absorb light and grow exuberantly, stomata will open gradually, and it is easy to absorb water and liquid, but low temperature is on the contrary, so it can achieve better herbicidal effect.

3. Do not use wheat herbicides when the soil is dry

When the soil is relatively dry, it is necessary to seize the opportunity of watering the wheat field and apply the herbicide in time to ensure the effectiveness of herbicides. The effectiveness of most herbicides requires a certain amount of soil moisture, and when the soil moisture is 40% and 60%, it is beneficial to the efficacy of herbicides.