
How to raise sweet potato seedlings (when to plant)? How much is a sweet potato seedling?

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, The breeding time of sweet potato seedlings is usually before and after the sting, and the potato blocks with bright skin color, disease-free, injury-free and moderate size can be selected from the cellar where the seeds are left as seeds, and then select the pathogen-free and sunny plot as the seedbed, the bed soil thickness is 5-8cm, and the growers

The breeding time of sweet potato seedlings is usually before and after waking, and the potato blocks with bright skin color, disease-free and injury-free and moderate size can be selected from the cellar where the seeds are left, and then the sunny and pathogen-free plots are selected as seedbeds with a bed soil thickness of 5-8cm. Growers need to master the methods when arranging sweet potatoes, and the principle of implementation is sparse arrangement of sweet potatoes and dense arrangement of large potatoes. The price of sweet potato seedlings is about 0.05-0.15 per plant.

I. time and method of raising sweet potato seedlings

1. Seedling raising time

The breeding time of sweet potato seedlings is generally before and after the sting, that is, from mid-February to mid-April every year, in which the south of the Huaihe River is bred in mid-February, while the north of the Huaihe River is bred before April 10. if it is an open field, the potato breeding will be completed before April 20.

2. Seed selection

From the cellar where the seeds were kept before, the potato pieces with bright skin color, uniform potato pieces, smooth potato skin, disease-free and injury-free, moderate size, cold and wet damage, and white pulp were selected as seeds.

3. Arrange the seedbed

After the potato pieces are selected, the next step is to arrange the seedbed, which can be made of germ-free and sunny plots. After leveling the land, you can cover it with an appropriate amount of mature livestock manure, such as horse dung, cow dung and pig manure, but you need to pay attention to that the bed soil is not too thin or too thick, it is recommended that it be about 5-8cm.

4. Soaking sweet potato seeds

In the past, there was usually no such step in planting sweet potatoes, but now we pay attention to scientific farming. In order to avoid seed potato disease and affect the growth and yield of sweet potato seedlings in the later stage, most growers soak the seeds with warm water or medicament. Or sprinkle the potion directly on the seedbed.

5. Seeding technique

Generally common ways are oblique row, straight row, flat row, the more widely used is oblique row and horizontal row, growers should master the method when arranging sweet potatoes, and the principle of implementation is that small potatoes are sparse and big potatoes are closely arranged, so it is more convenient to manage the seedbed in the later stage. after the arrangement, you need to remember to cover a layer of plastic film.

How much is a sweet potato seedling

1. At present, the price of Jishu No. 25 sweet potato seedling in Neihuang County, Anyang City, Henan Province is 0.12 yuan / plant; the price of Zishu No. 1 seedling in Xiajin County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province is 0.13 yuan / plant; the price of Qinshu No. 5 sweet potato seedling in Hu County, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province is 0.08 yuan / plant; the price of Beijing No. 553 sweet potato seedling in Lingshou County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province is 0.1 yuan / plant.

2. The price of sweet potato seedlings of Longshu 9 in Zoucheng City, Jining City, Shandong Province is 0.08 yuan per plant, and that of Guangshu 87 in Wuchuan City, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province is 0.06 yuan per seedling. It can be seen from the above market that the prices of sweet potato seedlings of different varieties in each region are different, and the general price is about 0.05-0.15 per sweet potato.