
What's wrong with the yellow wheat? Can you still recover?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The causes of yellowing of wheat are soil drought, shallow tillage layer, lack of fertilizer in soil, high sowing density, too deep sowing, herbicide damage, continuous low temperature, disease and insect pests, etc. Wheat yellowing is common during wheat growth

The reasons for the yellowing of wheat are as follows: dry soil, shallow ploughing layer of straw returning to the field, lack of fertilizer, high sowing density, deep sowing, herbicide harm, continuous low temperature freezing injury, occurrence of diseases and insect pests and so on. Wheat yellowing is a common phenomenon during wheat growth, slightly small area yellowing will not cause loss to yield, but severe large area yellowing should be paid attention to, it is necessary to grasp the scientific management in the middle and later stage and improve 1000-grain weight to recover the yield loss caused by yellowing.

1. Yellowing caused by drought

1. This kind of wheat generally occurs in the land where the soil moisture is insufficient and sown, when the water absorbed by the wheat root from the soil is more difficult to compensate for consumption, then its growth and development will be affected, it will lead to leaf yellowing, serious death will occur.

2. In the field, the yellowing of the whole wheat field is consistent, the tillering is delayed, the growth is slow or stagnant, the growth of new leaves is short, and the root is small and thin, so sowing needs sufficient moisture when sowing.

Second, the straw returning to the field is shallow.

The main results are as follows: 1. Generally, the returning of corn straw to the field is beneficial to improve the soil and improve the soil fertility. At present, the amount of straw returning to the field is relatively large, and the plough layer is generally insufficient for 20cm. As a result, after some wheat seedlings emerge in the field, the root system is stuck on the loose straw, so it is difficult to absorb nutrients from the soil.

2. It leads to the yellowing of wheat seedlings, so deep ploughing is recommended. Deep ploughing is needed every 3 years, reaching 25cm.

Third, lack of fertilizer

1. Lack of nitrogen fertilizer or phosphorus fertilizer will lead to wheat yellowing, wheat nitrogen deficiency type yellowing, because sowing too early, lack of nitrogen fertilizer or low content of base fertilizer will lead to wheat leaves yellowing.

2. It is necessary to apply urea 5kg per mu in the returning green stage, 12-15kg per mu again during heading or jointing period, and diammonium phosphate fertilizer 10kg or calcium phosphate 45-50kg per mu when the wheat seedlings are deficient in phosphorus.

4. the sowing density of wheat is relatively high.

The high sowing density of wheat will lead to excessive wheat population and affect wheat photosynthesis. When the nutrient supply is insufficient, it will lead to leaf yellowing, so it is necessary to sow according to the season and temperature.

5. Wheat is sown too deeply

Wheat sowing too deep will lead to slow emergence of wheat, long stem in the stem, a lot of nutrition will be consumed in the process of emergence, and weak yellow seedlings will appear in the seedling stage of wheat.

VI. Harm of herbicides

Generally speaking, there are more farmers who hit wheat herbicides in the first and middle of March, if the pesticides are not diluted properly, there are more mixed pesticides, and some herbicide ingredients themselves do certain harm to wheat, or the land is damaged by herbicides drifting from them. the decline of wheat detoxification function will lead to yellowing.

7. Freezing injury caused by continuous low temperature

In addition, with continuous low temperature and less light time, the overall condition of wheat seedlings will be relatively weak, showing leaf yellow under the influence of low temperature freezing injury, so it is necessary to strengthen management and spray foliar fertilizer after the arrival of cold current.

8. Occurrence of diseases and insect pests

The main results are as follows: 1. Wheat diseases and insect pests mainly include sheath blight, total erosion disease and root rot disease, all of which belong to fungal diseases, which can show yellow leaves in the early stage, but the location and shape of the disease spot are different.

2. Sheath blight mainly harms leaf sheath; total erosion mainly harms stem base and root; root rot only occurs in root, but it is a disease transmitted by soil. Underground pests can also harm wheat and cause yellow leaves. Seed dressing and soil treatment are needed.

9. Salinization of watering quality

Some wheat fields are close to river ditches, and water resources are polluted with excessive heavy metals, which is also the reason for the yellowing of wheat.