
How to plant taro, with high-yield cultivation and management techniques

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The planting method of taro: sowing in the middle and last ten days of April, 15-20 days before sowing, sowing according to the plant spacing of 25-30cm, row spacing of 60cm, and sowing depth of 3-5cm. Field management: topdressing seedling fertilizer once in the early stage of seedling, early and middle stage of corm growth.

The planting method of taro: sowing in the middle and last ten days of April, 15-20 days before sowing, sowing according to the plant spacing of 25-30cm, row spacing of 60cm, and sowing depth of 3-5cm. Field management: topdressing seedling fertilizer once in the early stage of seedlings, topdressing 2-3 times in the early and middle stages of seedling and corm growth, and keeping the soil moist at the same time. Before sealing ridges, plastic film should be removed combined with weeding and soil cultivation for 2-3 times. During this period, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of corruption and blight.

First, taro planting method

1. Sowing time

It is generally suitable for sowing in the middle and late April, and early sowing can easily lead to rotten seeds.

2. Select seeds

Need to choose the corm without wound seed taro, the tip of the terminal bud is well preserved, the weight is about 50g, it is a spherical bulb.

3. Seed drying and budding

In order to ensure that seedlings emerge neatly, generally 15-20 days before sowing, seed drying or wet sand germination is needed. When accelerating germination, the stored taro can be dried for 1-2 days, and then the taro will be closely arranged in the budding bed. When accelerating germination, we should pay attention to moisturizing, control the temperature at 18-20 ℃, wait until 15-20 days, the bud grows to 1cm or so can sow.

4. Sowing method

The main results are as follows: (1) the edible organ of taro is underground corm, and the root system is deep, so it is suitable to choose soil with strong fertilizer and water retention to sow. Firstly, deep ploughing of soil 40cm is beneficial to bulb expansion and increase yield. Before deep ploughing, organic fertilizer 2500kg is applied per mu, and appropriate amount of phosphate and potassium fertilizer such as potassium sulfate and superphosphate are applied.

(2) then sow the seeds according to the plant spacing of 25-30cm and the row spacing of 60cm, and the sowing depth is 3-5cm. After sowing, the seedlings need to be covered with plastic film to keep moisture, and the increase of temperature is beneficial to the neat emergence of seedlings.

II. Field management

1. Topdressing

Taro has a relatively long growth period and high yield, so it needs a large amount of fertilizer. In addition to applying sufficient basic fertilizer, taro needs topdressing in stages. Generally, it can be applied once in the early stage of seedlings, 2-3 times in the early and middle stages of vigorous growth of seedlings and bulbs, and less fertilizer can be applied before and after. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied together, and topdressing should be controlled in the later stage to prevent greedy green and late ripening.

2. Watering

The main results are as follows: (1) Taro leaves are relatively large and transpiration is strong, so they like water and avoid soil drying, otherwise yellow leaves and withered leaves are easy to occur. In the early stage, because of low air temperature and small growth, it is only necessary to maintain soil moisture.

(2) in particular, watering should be avoided in the seedling period to avoid affecting the hairy roots and emergence, the temperature is high in the middle and later stage, the growth is large, so there is a lot of water demand, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, it is suitable to water in the morning and evening, and watering at noon should be avoided in the high temperature season. otherwise, it will cause the leaves to wither.

3. Cultivate the soil by ploughing.

During the growth period, the taro corm will gradually grow to the surface with the increase of leaves, which is easy to affect the quality and yield of taro. At the same time, soil cultivation can also inhibit the germination of the top buds of taro and taro, which is beneficial to reduce nutrient consumption and promote bulb expansion, so before ridge sealing, it is necessary to remove plastic film combined with weeding and soil cultivation for 2-3 times, each time can be covered with soil 5-7cm, with an interval of 15-20 days.

4. Prevention and control of diseases

The main diseases of taro are rot and blight, which can be controlled by spraying 50% carbendazim 600 times or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 700 times at the initial stage.