
What kind of fruit is suitable for growing in yellow soil?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yellow soil is also called dead loess and bitter yellow mud. The soil is sticky, the cultivation is difficult, the erosion is serious, and the ploughing layer is shallow. So what kind of fruit is suitable for yellow soil? What kind of fruit is suitable for growing in yellow soil? Yellow soil is suitable for growing plums, peaches, oranges, grapes and strawberries.

Yellow soil is also called dead loess and bitter yellow mud. The soil is sticky, the cultivation is difficult, the erosion is serious, and the ploughing layer is shallow. So what kind of fruit is suitable for yellow soil?

What kind of fruit is suitable for growing in yellow soil?

Yellow soil is suitable for growing plums, peaches, oranges, grapes, strawberries, watermelons and other fruits, but it should also be determined according to the local climate and environment. Yellow soil is neutral or weakly alkaline. Acidophilic plants often lead to yellowing disease and poor growth due to iron deficiency in yellow soil.

Growing crops on yellow soil is short of fertilizer and water. The yield is low. The reasons for low yield are as follows: heavy texture, poor structure, shallow plough layer, easy drought and waterlogging; low effective fertility, poor permeability, slow release of nutrients; poor ploughing and harrowing, high acidity of soil, low content of available phosphorus, easy to make rice seedlings stiff.

Second, how to improve the yellow soil?

1. Increasing the application of organic fertilizer, especially the return of straw to the field, the application of barnyard manure and the release of Azolla in early spring have the most significant effect on improving soil structure.

two。 Increasing the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer: the combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can effectively improve the fertilizer use efficiency and achieve a good effect of increasing production and income.

3. Crop rotation: in order to improve the bad characteristics of soil "stickiness, thinness and knotting", rotation should be adopted. Make full use of the intercropping gap to plough the Kang or winter Kang in order to improve the soil structure.

4. Mixing sand to improve soil: where there are conditions, the method of mixing sand can be used to adjust the proportion of soil mud and sand year by year. Soil pH is less than 6.0, combined with deep application of lime to neutralize soil acidity and improve soil properties.

In order to grow fruit on yellow soil, we should choose the suitable variety according to the local environment.