
How dandelions spread their seeds

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Dandelion is our favorite plant, as long as it blows in the wind, it can go away with the wind. So do you know how dandelions spread their seeds? Let's have a look! How does the dandelion spread the seed? the dandelion is spread by the wind

Dandelion is our favorite plant, as long as it blows in the wind, it can go away with the wind. So do you know how dandelions spread their seeds? Let's have a look!

1. How dandelions spread their seeds

Dandelions spread their seeds by the wind. Dandelions are shaped like a parachute, fluttering in the wind, spreading seeds far away.

Second, who should not drink dandelion

1, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, yin cold do not drink: dandelion belongs to cold, spleen and stomach deficiency cold people are not suitable to drink, otherwise the condition will not improve but will have side effects, resulting in diarrhea, body cold aggravation.

2, hypotension patients are not suitable to drink: dandelion has a certain role in reducing blood pressure, hypotension patients had better not drink dandelion tea, so as not to cause blood pressure too low.

3, allergic people are not suitable to drink: after taking dandelion tea, individual people will have urticaria, itching and other allergic reactions, which is obviously allergic to dandelion, so it is best not to drink dandelion tea.

4. Pregnant women and children are not suitable to drink: dandelion belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, so pregnant women and children must take it carefully.

The related questions about dandelion are collected here by today. I hope this article will be helpful to you.