
How do trees survive the winter?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Trees are plants with wooden trunks and branches, which can survive for many years, provide shade and protection, wood can be used for construction, charcoal can be used for heating and cooking, and fruit can be used as food, which is closely related to human life. So, how did the tree live?

Trees are plants with wooden trunks and branches, which can survive for many years, provide shade and protection, wood can be used for construction, charcoal can be used for heating and cooking, and fruit can be used as food, which is closely related to human life. So, how do trees survive the winter?

First, how do trees spend the winter?

Trees with different attributes will spend the winter in different ways, mainly divided into deciduous trees and evergreen trees. Deciduous tree species reduce energy consumption by falling leaves and withering shoots, making them in a state of dormancy. Evergreen tree species are through autumn leaves discoloration, wax film thickening to reduce water evaporation, make it in a semi-dormant state, but also increase the sugar content in the body to prevent frostbite.

Second, the structure and function of trees

1. Root

The root is the vegetative organ of the plant, usually located below the surface, responsible for absorbing water and dissolving ions in the soil, and has the role of supporting and storing synthetic organic matter. The aerial root (banyan tree) located outside the surface also belongs to a kind of root.

two。 Tree trunk

It is not the skeleton part of the tree, it is mostly the source of wood, and the tree outsources the bark. Tree trunks have rings to record age. The trunk is responsible for carrying out the whole plant, and the xylem in the trunk is responsible for transporting water and nutrients to aid photosynthesis and metabolism.

3. Leaf

Leaves contain chloroplasts, which is the main place for plants to carry out photosynthesis. At the same time, the transpiration of plants is carried out through the stomata of leaves.

Third, what are the ways of tree reproduction?

1. Seed

In addition to the spores of early fern trees and their remains, modern trees are mostly seed plants, and seeds can be spread by wind, independence, water power, and animals. Wind transmission refers to seeds with lighter or auxiliary wings that are spread to more distant areas by the wind. For example: kapok, dandelion and other plants; independent transmission is that when the fruit is ripe, it will open the seed bullet, so that the seed can be spread. For example, sorrel and so on. Hydraulic transmission is a plant that grows by the sea or river, falls into the water when the fruit is ripe, and spreads the fruit far away by water; because water can promote seed germination, this kind of plant is mostly protected by intact fruit; animal transmission can be divided into two kinds, one is animal bite, the other is attached to the animal body. Most of the fruits eaten by animals are heavy and edible, and indigestible seeds are transmitted through excretion. For example: passion fruit, guava. Most of the fruit attached to the animal has reverse thorns and can be hooked on the animal. For example: big flowers and abundant grass.

two。 Cuttings

Cuttings are one of the propagation methods used by plants, simply saying that a section of a plant is inserted into a substance to make it root, sprout, then grow, blossom, and bear fruit, which is the most effective way to achieve the same characteristics as the original plant. It is also used to protect this feature because of a variation in a branch of the plant (such as a thornless rose).

3. Grafting

Grafting is one of the propagation methods used by plants in horticulture, that is, a part of the plant is fixed on another plant, so that its tissues heal each other and are cultured as independent individuals. The mother is called the rootstock, and the grafted young branch is called the scion.

Trees play an inestimable role in nature, so don't cut them down indiscriminately.