
How do pine trees spread their seeds

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are more than 80 kinds of pine trees in the world, including Pinus massoniana, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus elliottii, Pinus elliottii and so on. Today I will show you how pine trees spread their seeds. How the pine tree spreads the seed the pine tree spreads the seed in the following ways

There are more than 80 kinds of pine trees in the world, including Pinus massoniana, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus elliottii, Pinus elliottii and so on. Today I will show you how pine trees spread their seeds.

How do pine trees spread their seeds

Pine trees spread seeds in three ways: the fruit falls naturally on the ground; birds and beasts eat pine cones and fall with their faeces; and they are transmitted by the wind.

II. Disease control of pine trees

1. Rot disease

The disease mainly appeared in the lower part of the main branch and the cortical position of the central branch, showing cortical decay and yellowish-brown sap. In this regard, you can scrape off the diseased skin, and then apply fungicide, even 12 times.

two。 Powdery mildew

It mainly appears in the position of new shoots and young leaves, which is covered with a layer of powdery substance. In this regard, we should first clean up the pathogen, and then use carbendazim and other preparations for treatment, and strengthen planting management.

3. Wheel streak disease

It mainly appears in the trunk and fruit position, showing a round reddish-brown disease spot, which is very harmful to the fruit of pine tree. In this regard, planting management should be strengthened and drug spraying should be carried out. The available drugs can be carbendazim, Bordeaux solution, mancozeb and so on.

The pine tree is a wheel-shaped branch, the internodes are long, the branchlets are relatively thin, straight or slightly bent downward, and the needles are slender in bundles. Its crown looks fluffy and not compact, and the word "loose" is a vivid description of its crown characteristics. Therefore, "pine" is a kind of tree with fluffy crown. Pine trees are strong and have a long life.