
What does the red sandalwood tree look like?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Red sandalwood is a leguminous red sandalwood tree, born in sloping sparse forest or cultivated in the garden, so what does the red sandalwood tree look like? What does the red sandalwood tree look like? The red sandalwood tree is a tree 15-25 meters high, with gray bark, pinnately compound leaves and leaflets.

Red sandalwood tree is a leguminous red sandalwood tree, born in slope sparse forest or cultivated in garden, so what kind of red sandalwood tree?

1. What does the rosewood tree look like?

Rosewood tree is a 15-25 m tall tree, bark is generally gray, leaves are pinnate compound leaves, leaflets 3-5 pairs, shape is ovate, blade apex acuminate, base round, both sides glabrous, veins slender. The flowers are yellow and usually bloom in spring.

Second, the growth habits of rosewood trees

Rosewood was first found in tropical forests and islands in India, because the wood is hard and dense, the heartwood is red, and it is an excellent building, musical instrument and furniture material; resin and wood are medicinal.

Rosewood tree has strong adaptability to the environment, not demanding soil, gravel soil, coastal sand, even soil containing a certain salt can grow well. Its root system is developed, with nodules; nitrogen fixation; like strong light, fast growth, strong regeneration.

3. Pest control of red sandalwood trees

The main pests of red sandalwood trees are:

Seedlings and young trees have black mole disease, generally harmful leaves, twigs, fruit pods, the initial stage of disease in the leaves first produced faded small spots, and then gradually become black;

Seedlings and young trees can also be infected with anthracnose, often damaging leaves and, in severe cases, harming young shoots. Grey mold can be caused by dense seedlings or rainy days.

Control method: 1:1:100 Bordeaux mixture or 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution to control, burn the diseased branches and leaves. Trichlorfon can be used to control leaf-eating pests such as golden flower insects and scarabs.