
What does ratooning rice mean? Attached high-yield cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rice is an inseparable cereal crop in our life, which can be divided into conventional rice and hybrid rice. With the development of planting technology, a kind of ratooning rice has come into people's field of vision, which has the characteristics of short growth cycle and low investment. Let's take a look at the ratooning rice.

Rice is an inseparable cereal crop in our life, which can be divided into conventional rice and hybrid rice. With the development of planting technology, a kind of ratooning rice has come into people's field of vision, which has the characteristics of short growth cycle and low investment. Let's take a look at the meaning of ratooning rice. With high-yield cultivation techniques.

What does ratooning rice mean?

Ratooning rice is a mode of rice cultivation, which has a long history in China, which can be traced back to 1700 years ago. It is characterized in that after the maturity of the first season rice, only about the upper 2max 3 part of the rice plant is cut off, the rice ear is collected, leaving the lower 1max 3 plant and root system, fertilized and cultivated, so that it can grow another crop of rice.

The high temperature and humidity of primary rice after harvest is beneficial to the germination of ratooning buds, ensuring a large number of seedlings and early heading. After harvest, the suitable temperature for germination of primary rice is 25.5 °C ~ 28.0 °C, the suitable air relative humidity is 88% ~ 87%, and the hours of more sunshine are beneficial to the germination and growth of bud. The temperature of heading and flowering stage of ratooning rice should be double cropping late rice. Similarly, the daily average temperature for 3 consecutive days should not be lower than 23 °C for hybrid box rice and more than 20 °C for japonica rice. The good water source condition is beneficial to keep the shallow water moist at the heading stage and maintain the high survival rate and root activity of the bud, and the proper application of fertilizer before the maturity of the first season rice is beneficial to the bud growth.

2. High-yielding cultivation techniques of ratooning rice

1. Variety selection

In the selection of varieties, it is appropriate to choose the late mature varieties with beautiful color and multi-spike type in the later stage, and also take into account the characteristics of high temperature resistance, lodging resistance, disease resistance and good regeneration. Such as Shenliangyou 867, Xinliangyou 223, Liangyou 6326, Fengliangyouxiang 1 and Huang Huazhan and so on.

2. Grow the first season rice well

The first-season rice should be sown early properly, and the heading time should be reversed according to the growth period of the variety, so as to avoid the harm of high temperature in summer at heading and filling stage, and can not affect the quality and yield of the first-season rice. The direct seeding field can be sown in mid-March.

3. Timely fertilization

After the first rice harvest, remove weeds in time, straighten the rice stump, apply urea 7~10kg per mu to promote early growth and rapid development, and strive to ensure a sufficient number of seedlings. At the same time, according to the weather condition, "920" 1-2g/ mu and 50kg sprayed with water for 1-2 times after the first heading of regenerated seedlings can promote the heading neatly, increase the seed setting rate and increase the yield.

4. Rational irrigation

Within 0 days after the first rice harvest, it is the growth period of regenerated tillers, combined with fertilization and rewatering, to keep the field moist in order to raise roots and promote tillers. 24-30 days after harvest, the regenerated rice enters the heading and flowering stage, and the field is kept in shallow water. During the filling period, keep dry, dry and wet, in order to maintain roots and protect leaves, enrich grains and increase yield.

5. timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Regenerated rice should pay attention to prevent pests such as Chilo suppressalis, rice planthopper, rice panicle neck blast and rodents.