
What does rape rely on to spread its seeds?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The scientific name of rape is Brassica. It is a plant of Brassica in Cruciferae. It is planted in every province of our country. Rapeseed is one of the main oil crops in China. Rape with small yellow flowers, even into a large area also has a better ornamental effect. So rape usually depends on

The scientific name of rape is Brassica. It is a plant of Brassica in Cruciferae. It is planted in every province of our country. Rapeseed is one of the main oil crops in China. Rape with small yellow flowers, even into a large area also has a better ornamental effect. So what does rape usually rely on to spread its seeds?

I. what does rape rely on to spread its seeds

Rapeseed fruit belongs to pod, naturally growing rapeseed cracking after maturity, rely on their own elasticity to spread. Rapeseed seed itself has weight, the consequences of maturity will actually produce ejection force to eject the seed at the time of cracking, to achieve the spread of the seed. Artificially planted rape is artificially planted and spread. In addition, secondary transmission may occur after rape seeds fall to the ground, and birds, ants and mammals are all possible secondary disseminators.

Rape has a long history of planting in China, and it is recorded in the "popular text" of the Eastern Han Dynasty. "Brassica is called Hu Cai", and Brassica here refers to rape. The root system of rape is very developed, and its viability is very strong, as long as it can grow in cool and watery areas, which is also the reason for the widespread growth of rape in China, even in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Second, the value of rape

Rape has a strong edible and ornamental, rape can be eaten when young plants, but in terms of the nature of Chinese foodie, nothing can not be eaten. When rape flowers are planted in patches, yellow flowers will make people's eyes golden. Rape flowers in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province is a local scene. When rapeseed is used to extract oil, its oil content is 37% Mel 46%, accounting for 1/3 of the rapeseed itself, and it is mainly edible rapeseed oil in the south of our country. In addition, rape has a strong medicinal effect. It is recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica that rape can "treat gangrene and pea sores, disperse blood and reduce swelling."

The above is some little knowledge about rape, the value of rape is very high, you can also go to see the blooming scenery of rape in your spare time.