
How much is the price of Bletilla striata seedlings? What are the planting prospects?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Purple Bletilla striata, also known as Trigeminal Purple Bletilla striata, is now more planted in Yunnan and other areas, is one of the purple flowers of Bletilla striata varieties, with a certain ornamental. Of course, Bletilla striata is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which has a certain economic value in the market.

Purple Bletilla striata, also known as Trigeminal Purple Bletilla striata, is now more planted in Yunnan and other areas, is one of the purple flowers of Bletilla striata varieties, with a certain ornamental. Of course, Bletilla striata is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which has a certain economic value in the market and drives the living income of many local farmers. How much is the seedling price of Bletilla striata? What are the planting prospects?

First, how much is the price of Bletilla striata seedlings?

The price of Bletilla striata seedlings is about 0.8-4 yuan per plant, the price will be affected by many factors, there are some differences in different places. For example, if the purchase quantity is different, the plant size is different, and the purchase channel is different, then the price will be cheap and expensive.

2. the planting prospect of Bletilla striata

1. Increasing demand for Bletilla striata: Bletilla striata is originally a small variety of traditional Chinese medicine. In the 1950s and 1980s, the national demand for medicine was no more than 200 tons. According to the national survey of traditional Chinese medicine in 1986, the resource status and commodity production, supply, sale and storage of Bletilla striata were not included in the statistical scope, because it was a small variety that could be ignored at that time. However, it is not what it used to be. The demand for Bletilla striata in China is 5-10 times higher than that of 20 years ago, and the demand has reached several thousand tons.

2, a wide range of uses: Bletilla striata can be used as an adhesive when dyeing cloth, as an adhesive for high-grade cigarettes, as an adhesive for mounting Chinese calligraphy and painting, and as a repairing agent for wild ginseng. Bletilla striata has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and its main functions are to stop bleeding, tonify the lung, reduce swelling and promote muscle. Modern scientific research has proved that the bulb of Bletilla striata is rich in a large number of water-soluble polysaccharides, and its chemical composition is grape mannan, which is the main functional component of Bletilla gum. Bletilla polysaccharide gum is not only an excellent natural food thickener, but also a medical raw material with high safety, excellent medicinal excipients and biomedical materials with considerable development prospects. In addition, Bletilla striata polysaccharide gum can also be used in daily chemical products to replace chemical thickeners, and has the functions of reducing irritation, protecting skin, delaying aging and so on. With the deepening of research, the application of Bletilla striata is more and more extensive, which leads to the increasing demand of Bletilla striata.

3. Extinction mining: due to the stimulation of price, wild Bletilla striata does not stay in size, and the higher the price is, the cleaner it is. Because Bletilla striata is propagated by pseudobulbs, this mining method is an important reason why wild populations of Bletilla striata are found to dig one by one and then become extinct. Bletilla striata was supposed to be harvested from October to December, when its false bulb was large and full, high gum content, good quality and high drying rate of fresh goods. However, due to the high market price and scarcity of germplasm resources, it was always dug in advance to April florescence in recent years. As a result, the immature false bulbs are thin and shrivelled, and the fresh goods are extremely low, which can not meet the quality standards for medicine at all. In this way, due to the reduction of production and income of young people year after year, it has also artificially caused a lot of waste of resources.

4. The growing environment of Bletilla striata is getting worse and worse: the scope of human activities is getting wider and wider, the wasteland grass is less and less, and the ecological conditions of Bletilla striata have been greatly damaged, especially in recent years, the forest and fruit economy has been developed in Yunguichuan and other mountainous areas. a large number of wasteland slopes have been reclaimed, and the natural conditions for the survival of Bletilla striata have been destroyed. Bletilla striata has lost the space conditions for survival and reproduction, and the soil resources are becoming less and less. Bletilla striata commodities are becoming more and more scarce.

5. Irreplaceable magical curative effect and wide range of uses: the most fundamental reason for the scarcity of Bletilla striata is the miraculous curative effect of Bletilla striata, which is slightly cold, bitter, sweet and astringent, and has the functions of astringent hemostasis and detumescence. For tuberculosis hematemesis, bronchiectasis hemoptysis, gastric ulcer hematemesis, urine blood, stool blood and other symptoms, but also can be used for traumatic bleeding and other symptoms. The miraculous curative effect and wide use of Bletilla striata also accelerated the extinction of Bletilla striata resources.