
When do violets usually blossom? What is the planting method?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Violet, also known as four peaches, sweet-scented osmanthus, grass violets, rich flowers, is a more common ornamental flower, the shape is somewhat similar to pansy, it is easy to be confused. Violets are suitable for potted plants or planted in courtyards, which are grown in many places in the south of our country.

Violet is also called four peach grams, grass osmanthus, grass violet, rich flowers, is a relatively common ornamental flowers, shape and pansy a little similar, it is easy to confuse. Violets are suitable for potted plants or gardens, and are grown in many parts of southern China. When do violets usually bloom? What is the cultivation method?

When do violets usually bloom?

Like many flowers, violets bloom in spring, usually between April and May. But artificial violet because of the uncertainty of its sowing time, flowering is also uncertain. Generally, violets sown in greenhouses will bloom after a growth period of 3 to 5 months, but there are exceptions due to climate factors. Violets sown in July will not bloom until February of the following year.

2 What is the cultivation method of violets?

1. Variety: Select dwarf and double-petal varieties, and choose light leaf color, oval shape and wavy seedlings at seedling stage.

2, sowing time: Violet suitable for sowing in mid-August to early October, production can also be adjusted according to the flower time, if the greenhouse sowing in February can bloom in May, March sowing in June flowering, but July sowing to wait until the second year in February to March to bloom.

3, sowing method: violet can not be planted too dense, pot soil is better than moist, sowing cover a thin layer of fine soil, no longer watering, in half a month if the pot soil is dry, can put half of the pot into water from the bottom of the pot to moisten the soil.

4. Post-sowing management: pay attention to shade in the pot soil after sowing. Generally, seedlings can emerge within 15 days. Be careful not to hurt the roots and bring soil balls when plucking seedlings. Apply base fertilizer in the soil before planting.

5, flower pot: the flower pot used to choose a diameter of about 25cm large pot is the most appropriate.

6, culture soil: potted, available leaf soil, peat soil and sand 1/3 of the preparation of culture soil. Sterilized loose, fertile culture soil, spread base fertilizer in the basin, each pot can be planted 3 plants.

7. Light: Violet likes semi-shady environment. Not too much shade, otherwise the violets bloom too little, or do not bloom; if the light is too strong, it will cause yellow leaves, so that the plant dry damage.

8, temperature: the temperature of 18℃-24℃ is the most appropriate, when the temperature exceeds 27℃ will lead to poor violet growth, lack of water. In late autumn and early winter, potted violets will be moved indoors for breeding, otherwise they will be frostbitten.

9, water and fertilizer: water, cool and dark place, 3-4 days later can be placed in a well-ventilated sunny place. Watering should be appropriate, not splashed on the leaves, otherwise it will cause the decay of the leaves.

During the growth period, thin decomposed liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer is applied once every 7-10 days. Fertilization grasp the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to 1:1:1 is good. After the plants grow buds, appropriate application of more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers will make the flowers big and colorful.

10. Topping: When the plant grows about 9 leaves, it needs to be treated with topping to promote branching. The plant grows to 40cm and needs to be supported by thin bamboo poles.

11. Seed collection: As a reserved seed, harvest seeds in time before the pod turns yellow and does not crack.