
What are the effects of romantic fruit? What's the price?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Romantic fruit is a kind of fruit, also known as aphrodisiac fruit, kidney-tonifying fruit, kidney-tonifying fruit, Magudo. It smells like fresh wood, bitter nuts and sweet meat. So what do you know about the benefits of flirting fruits? What's the price? First, how much is the price of romantic fruit?

Romantic fruit is a kind of fruit, also known as aphrodisiac fruit, kidney-tonifying fruit, kidney-tonifying fruit, Magudo. It smells like fresh wood, bitter nuts and sweet meat. So what do you know about the benefits of flirting fruits? What's the price?

First, how much is the price of romantic fruit?

The price of romantic fruit is more expensive, and the current price on the market is between 80 and 140 yuan. Romantic fruit is mainly produced in Xizang area of Yunnan Province, which has the special effect of tonifying kidney and strengthening yang. In fact, the fruit of romantic fruit originated in India and can be used as medicine.

Second, what are the effects of romantic fruits?

1. Invigorate the stomach and eliminate food

Wild betel nut is also called wild betel nut is the fruit of plant Baipike, it can be used as medicine, it can strengthen the stomach and eat smoothly, it can usually treat human abdominal distension and accumulated food, improve the digestive ability of intestines and stomach, and has obvious deworming effect. it can also be directly used for treatment when people have parasitic diseases such as ascariasis and schistosomiasis.

2. Diuresis and detumescence

The romantic fruit can improve the kidney function of the human body and reduce the damage caused by the virus to the kidney. usually, after people take it, it can effectively accelerate the discharge of excess water in the human body, which is disadvantageous to human urination and the edema of the body caused by glomerulonephritis. Has a very good therapeutic effect.

3. Astringent intestines to stop diarrhea

The amorous fruit also has excellent convergence effect, and it contains a variety of natural anti-inflammatory and germicidal ingredients, which can eliminate a variety of pathogenic bacteria in human intestines, and can also be used for the treatment of human interests and intestinal diseases such as diarrhea and enteritis. The therapeutic effect is very obvious. In addition, the amorous hall for high human hair stripping, as well as hemorrhoids and stool with blood and other diseases also have a certain therapeutic effect.

4. Tonifying kidney and strengthening yang

Although the romantic fruit has not been found to have obvious aphrodisiac effect in medicine, it is clearly recorded in a book circulated in ancient times, thinking that it can strengthen yang and produce essence, nourish bone marrow, and improve the sexual function of human beings. it has a certain therapeutic effect on men's adverse symptoms such as kidney deficiency, impotence, premature ejaculation and low back pain.

Third, the side effects of sexual fruits.

Although the romantic fruit has a variety of benefits to the human body, it can also prevent and alleviate some common diseases, and can also improve the cold resistance of the human body, but it is toxic to a certain extent and cannot be eaten too much at ordinary times, otherwise there will be obvious symptoms of poisoning, and it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time when it is serious.

Although the flirtatious fruit is very good, it has a certain degree of toxicity and the price is relatively expensive. It is best to eat less according to the actual situation.