
The difference between Potentilla anserine and Rabdosia angustifolia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Turning white grass is a common Chinese herbal medicine, and the demand in the market is relatively large and expensive, but Weiling dish is very similar to it, and some people often mix pearls with fish eyes, so what is the difference between Potentilla chinensis and turning white grass? I. the difference of the name causes the leaves to be thick.

Turning white grass is a common Chinese herbal medicine, and the demand in the market is relatively large and expensive, but Weiling dish is very similar to it, and some people often mix pearls with fish eyes, so what is the difference between Potentilla chinensis and turning white grass?

I. the difference between names

The white grass causes the leaves to be wrapped in thick white woolly hair, so it gets its name. In addition, it also has the names of white-headed Weng, Oviductus Ranae, azure and ground white. In our country, it is very rich in resources and varieties, but there are no other aliases.

Second, the difference in appearance

Elaeagnus angustifolia is a perennial herb of Rosaceae, its rhizome is hypertrophic, conical, the stem is erect, the leaf is densely covered with gray-white woolly, it is odd-pinnate compound leaf, and there are 8-11 pairs of leaflets at the base of the stem. The leaflet at the top is the largest, while the leaflets on both sides are gradually smaller downwards, and the leaflets are narrow and oval. Potentilla is a perennial herb of the genus Potentilla in Rosaceae. Its roots are stout, cylindrical, lignified, stems erect or creeping, leaflets are mostly 5, flowers are usually yellow, and some ornamental varieties are white or red.

Third, the difference of efficacy

The main efficacy of Herba Euphorbiae is heat-clearing and detoxification, hemostasis and detumescence, cooling blood and hemostasis, can treat dysentery, diarrhea, leucorrhea, hematemesis, hematochezia, carbuncle and other diseases, has a good effect on the treatment of diabetes, but also can reduce blood pressure and blood sugar, there is a great demand in the market. The efficacy of Weiling vegetable is to remove rheumatism, detoxification, can treat wet muscle and bone pain, paralysis, epilepsy, scabies and other diseases, but also can treat dysentery, epilepsy.

IV. Price difference

Because of its effect of lowering blood pressure, blood sugar and treating diabetes, the demand in the market is increasing year by year, so its price is also rising, from 3-5 yuan per jin to 20-30 yuan per jin now. Although the efficacy of Weiling cuisine is strong, the market supply and demand is stable, so the price is relatively stable. At present, the market price is about 10 yuan per jin, which is about 1/3 of that of turning white grass.

Fangbai grass and Weiling vegetables are relatively similar, so they must be carefully identified when buying, so as not to be fooled and suffer economic losses.