
What happened to the dead seedlings of cantaloupe? What are the planting points for attention?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cantaloupe is a very delicious fruit, crisp and juicy, and its nutritional value is very high, so it is very popular all over the country. Cantaloupe is most commonly planted in Xinjiang, but what is the problem of dead seedlings when planting? What planting attention do you have?

Cantaloupe is a very delicious fruit, crisp and juicy, and its nutritional value is very high, so it is very popular all over the country. Cantaloupe is most commonly planted in Xinjiang, but what is the problem of dead seedlings when planting? What are the planting points for attention?

First, what happened to the dead seedlings of cantaloupe?

1. Excessive fertilizer leads to the death of seedlings. Although the growth of plants is inseparable from fertilizer, but in the cantaloupe seedling stage, we should also pay attention to whether their own fertilization is correct. If you want the seedlings of cantaloupe to grow stronger, you need to apply urea, but if urea is not diluted, but directly buried around the roots of cantaloupe, it will lead to the phenomenon of root burning. once the root system is injured, it is easy to cause some diseases, so it is also easy to lead to the death of Hami melon seedlings. The concentration of fertilizer we apply must be low, and it is best to be watered after being diluted with water.

2. The watering method is incorrect. If your watering method is incorrect during the growth of cantaloupe, it can easily lead to the death of a large number of seedlings. In the seedling stage watering must not be too much, usually we will do a good job in the seedling stage water control measures, if there is a lot of water in the field or the recent rainfall is particularly large, then it is easy to cause the phenomenon of dead seedlings. In the seedling stage of cantaloupe, it is better to keep the soil slightly dry. When the soil becomes dry, we water it once, and then we don't have to water it for a long time, until the soil dries again.

2. Caused by diseases and insect pests. During the seedling period of Hami melon, it is easy to get a lot of diseases, so the management during the seedling period is also worthy of attention. To prevent these diseases, we need to use pesticides to treat them in advance. If some seedlings get sick, we can pull them out and prevent them from spreading to other seedlings. Before planting cantaloupe, the soil needs to be disinfected and sterilized to ensure that the disease is eliminated.

II. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Hami melon

1. Seedling stage management

The seedling management of Hami melon is a key thing, if it is not managed properly at the seedling stage, the yield will be very low in the later stage. The most important thing to pay attention to when seedlings is the survival rate. After emergence, we must prevent the phenomenon of dead seedlings, and if there is a phenomenon of dead seedlings, we should replenish the seedlings in time. In addition, weeds affect the seedlings, it is necessary to know how to pull out, so as to avoid the weak growth of the seedlings.

2. Moisture

For Hami melon, its growth and development not only need light and temperature, but also need to pay attention to water demand, proper watering can ensure its normal growth and heavy rain. During the flowering of cantaloupe, the water demand of cantaloupe at this stage is very large, so it should be watered reasonably according to climate change and the dry and wet condition of the soil to avoid soil being too dry or too wet. In addition, it can also fight to draw vines to increase the permeability between gardens, so that the plants can have better photosynthesis, accumulate water and increase yield.

3. Topdressing

In the growth process of Hami melon, it needs to consume a lot of nutrients, in the case of insufficient base fertilizer, so appropriate topdressing is necessary. When the seedlings grow to 5cm, some urea can be properly applied to promote the growth of seedlings. At this time, topdressing suggests diluting urea dissolved water and pouring, which can not only avoid root burning, but also speed up the absorption of fertilizer. Topdressing at the flowering stage must be carried out before the female flowers bloom, and can be dug into the plants, and fertilization at the fruiting stage is generally carried out after the first fruit harvest.

4. Temperature

The reason why the cantaloupe in Xinjiang is so famous is that the temperature there is extremely high during the day and night, so we must pay attention to the temperature difference when planting cantaloupe. The temperature is higher during the day and lower at night. This is conducive to the accumulation of sugar in cantaloupe, so that the sweetness of planting cantaloupe will be higher. Hami melon in each growth stage, the temperature requirements are relatively strict, so we must pay attention to planting.