
When do orchids usually bloom? What are fertilizer taboos?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Orchid is a very famous flower, very many varieties, in many places in our country have planted. Orchids symbolize elegance and purity, so potted orchids are loved by many flower growers. When do orchids usually bloom? What are the advantages of the new technology? 1. Orchid

Orchid is a very famous flower with many varieties, which is planted in many places in our country. Orchids symbolize elegance and elegance, so potted orchids are loved by many flower growers. When does the orchid usually blossom? What are the taboos of fertilization?

When do orchids usually blossom?

The flowering period of any plant is related to climate and temperature, and orchids are no exception. Generally speaking, different varieties have different flowering times.

1. Melan: the florescence is usually from October to March of the following year.

2. Chunlan: its florescence is usually from January to March.

3. Huilan: its florescence is usually from March to May.

4. Jianlan: tenacious vitality, not afraid of cold and heat. It can be seen blooming from May to December.

Second, what are the taboos of orchid fertilization?

The fertilizers for orchids can be divided into three types: organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer and biological bacterial fertilizer. The advantages of organic fertilizer are complete nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, sufficient fertility, long fertilizer effect, and the function of improving soil; the disadvantage is unsanitary, smelly, easy to transmit germs and breed pests. The advantages of inorganic fertilizer are large selectivity, convenient application, fast fertilizer effect, no peculiar smell, no bacteria; the disadvantage is that it is not easy to master, long-term application will cause soil hardening. Biological bacterial fertilizer is made with the latest technology, which plays a positive role in promoting the growth and development of orchids. What are the taboos of orchid fertilization?

1. Weak orchid does not apply fertilizer

For example, newly planted orchids, old and weak orchids and orchids that have become seriously ill, we should be careful in fertilizing, and more often we advise everyone not to apply fertilizer, because the resistance of these orchids is weak, and if they are fertilized, it is easy to fail to absorb them, and may even cause fertilizer damage to orchids. Let's wait for orchids to grow stronger and then apply fertilizer to assist.

2. No fertilization at high temperature

The absorptive capacity of orchids becomes weaker at high temperature, and even some varieties of orchids become dormant at high temperature, so we should not apply fertilizer at high temperature. It is not only prone to decay or ossification, but also if the situation is serious, a good orchid may turn yellow and wilt because it cannot absorb fertilizer and eventually die.

3. No fertilization in rainy days

If open-raised orchids are fertilized in rainy days, it will easily cause fertilizer damage, and the absorptive capacity of orchids will become weaker in rainy days. If it cannot be absorbed in time, it will cause a burden on orchids, and the roots will also be affected by fertilizers. Therefore, it is not recommended to fertilize orchids in rainy days.

4. Do not apply fertilizer after budding

Here refers to no fertilization after the bud, not all buds just after the fertilizer can not be fertilized, in general, from the bud unearthed about 3 centimeters, until the normal opening of flowers, fertilization is not recommended.

5. No fertilization during dormant period

This is very similar to not applying fertilizer in a high temperature environment, but also because the orchid roots do not absorb nutrients during the dormant period, so we must not fertilize the orchid during the dormant period.