
How many years does the Southern Sky Bamboo bear fruit?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Nantianzhu, also known as Nanzhu, Tianzhuzi, Honggouzi, etc., belongs to Ranunculaceae and Berberidaceae. It is a common woody flower species in southern China. Its plant posture is graceful, the fruit is bright, often is used as the garden afforestation plant. So how many southern bamboos are there?

Phyllostachys pubescens, also known as South Tianzhu, Candlesticum, Red Lycium, etc., belongs to Ranunculaceae and Berberidae, and is a common woody flower species in southern China. Because of its graceful posture and bright fruit, it is often used as a landscaping plant. So how many years does Nantianzhu usually turn out?

First, the results of Phyllostachys pubescens in the past few years

Under normal circumstances, Phyllostachys pubescens can blossom and bear fruit in the second year after planting, but it is very affected by daily management. If it is not maintained properly, it may not bear fruit for several years. The factors that affect the fruit of Phyllostachys pubescens are light, water and fertilizer, pruning, pollination and many other reasons.

If you want Phyllostachys pubescens to blossom and bear fruit as soon as possible, you should pay attention to the following maintenance points. First of all, the sandy loam with fertile soil and good drainage should be changed every two years in March or September to October; when fertilizing, the rotten cake fertilizer should be applied as the base fertilizer in early spring, and the thin cake fertilizer and water should be applied every 20 days in the growing season. Too much nitrogen fertilizer and less phosphorus fertilizer may also lead to luxuriant branches and leaves of the plant without flowering and fruiting.

After the temperature rises in spring, the amount of water should be gradually increased to make the basin soil moist. Keep the basin soil moist during the growing season and pay attention to the humidity of the air. When the summer temperature is high, sprinkle water on the leaves and around to humidify and cool down to prevent the leaf tip from withering and scorching. At the end of autumn, watering is gradually reduced, making the basin soil slightly dry. However, if the potted soil is too dry, too wet or suddenly dry and wet, it is easy to cause the plant to drop flowers and fruits.

Nantianzhu is afraid of strong light and likes to be half overcast. It is best to see light in the morning and maintain in the shade in the afternoon. Inappropriate light conditions and strong light exposure can easily cause burns of new leaves, scorched tender shoots and over-shadowing. The plant is slender and long, and it is not easy to blossom and bear fruit in both cases. In addition, in the maintenance of Phyllostachys pubescens, the dead branches of inflorescence should be cut off in time, and the dead branches and uneven branches should be trimmed neatly, which can promote the growth of new shoots and achieve the effect of dense leaves, numerous flowers and prosperous fruits. However, if the pruning strength is too large, it will be difficult to blossom and bear fruit.

2. The medicinal value of Phyllostachys pubescens

Phyllostachys pubescens originated in the Yangtze River Basin and Shaanxi and other places in China, now it is planted in all provinces of China, and it is mainly distributed in Japan, India and other countries abroad. In addition to greening, Phyllostachys pubescens can also be used medicinally. It is recorded in Guizhou Folk prescription Collection that it is "relieving cough and relieving asthma, excited and strong." Phyllostachys pubescens contains a variety of alkaloids, which can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli.

This is the end of the story about Phyllostachys pubescens. Although Phyllostachys pubescens can also be used medicinally, it is generally greening and ornamental. Interested friends can buy one for maintenance, but we should also pay attention to the toxicity of Phyllostachys pubescens itself. Don't touch and use it easily.