
How to plant longan seeds to bear fruit?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Longan, also known as longan, has the effect of promoting intelligence. It is widely cultivated from southwest to southeast of China, especially in Guangdong. So, how to plant longan seeds to bear fruit? First, how to plant longan seeds to bear fruit? 1. After the pulp is eaten, the pulp at the top of the kernel is white.

Longan, also known as longan, has the effect of promoting intelligence. It is widely cultivated from southwest to southeast of China, especially in Guangdong. So, how to plant longan seeds to bear fruit?

First, how to plant longan seeds to bear fruit?

1. After eating the pulp, remove the pulp and white soft tissue from the top of the core, otherwise it will be easy to attract insects in the future.

2. Soak the longan seeds in water and submerge the seeds with water. Change the water every day until there are no impurities. After soaking for 4-6 days, the shell will crack slightly, and the bud point (the white part after the split) can be seen, and then it can be planted. After the shell is cracked, soaking for another 2-3 days can speed up the emergence of new buds.

3. Choose a suitable non-hole pot, put in the sterile culture soil, about 8% full, and spray some water to the soil on the surface to make it moist, spread the seeds all over the surface, and leave no space one by one. Select seeds with similar cracking degree to be planted in the same pot, so that the situation of germination will be more consistent. Fill the gap with some culture soil and cover the seed, then cover the surface with Maifan stone or other small gravel, gently press the surface with the palm of your hand to make the seed more stable, then spray it back and forth three times with a sprinkler, and then remember to spray water once a day.

4. then wait for it to sprout, and all the new buds will emerge in about 8 or 10 days.