
How many years can pomegranate trees bear fruit?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Whenever the pomegranate is on the market, these crystal clear rubies always make people have the desire to buy. In China's traditional culture, pomegranate is still a symbol of prosperity and harmony, many children and many blessings. Pomegranate was first introduced into China in the Han Dynasty, when Zhang Qian was an envoy to the Western regions.

Whenever the pomegranate is on the market, these crystal clear rubies always make people have the desire to buy. In China's traditional culture, pomegranate is still a symbol of prosperity and harmony, many children and many blessings. Pomegranate was first introduced into China in the Han Dynasty and was brought back from Central and Western Asia by Zhang Qian when he was on a mission to the Western region.Because the pomegranate tree blossoms brightly and its fruit is sweet, it soon melts into China. So how many years does a normal pomegranate tree bear fruit?

Pomegranate trees bear fruit in several years

The fruiting age period of pomegranate trees varies with different breeding methods and varieties. Pomegranate trees planted with pomegranate seeds can blossom and bear fruit after 6-8 years, and the seedlings obtained by high pressing of fruiting pomegranate branches only need 3-4 years to blossom and bear fruit. In addition, the size of the fruit is related to the variety of the pomegranate tree. The pomegranate of the large variety will reach the standard in the second year, while the pomegranate tree of the small variety can only bear small fruit.

Pomegranate is a long-lived tree species that can generally live for as long as a hundred years if properly conserved. It is native to the Balkans, Iran and neighboring regions, and is grown in temperate and tropical zones all over the world. Nowadays, it is cultivated in the north and south of our country, among which Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan and other places have a large planting area. Huaiyuan in Anhui is the hometown of Chinese pomegranate.

Second, the main uses of pomegranate

Pomegranate is not only edible, but also used as medicine in thousands of years of development. It is recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica that pomegranate can "stop astringent diarrhea and dysentery." Modern pharmacology has proved that pomegranate peel can play the role of insect repellent, germicidal and antiviral. In addition, pomegranate itself is rich in fruit sugars, high-quality protein and trace elements, which can supplement the missing trace elements and nutrients in the human body.

The pomegranate tree is very bright red when it blossoms, and it can also achieve good results when it is used to watch. When carrying out landscaping, whether it is solitary planting, cluster planting or group planting, it is very ornamental, with flowers in summer and fruits in autumn, with little Zhu Jin hanging between the green branches, against clear mountains and green waters. In addition, the pomegranate tree is also a good material for making bonsai. The pomegranate old tree has a twisted trunk and peeled bark, which has the beauty of vitality and simplicity. If you hang one or two red pomegranate fruits against the ancient stakes of green leaves, it is the best of the bonsai.

This is the end of the relevant knowledge about pomegranate trees. Friends who want to plant pomegranate trees can transplant pomegranate trees before and after the Qingming Festival in the spring. If they are planting pomegranate trees that have begun to bear fruit, they will generally be able to eat pomegranates that year.