
The difference between lemon verbena and verbena

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The names of lemon vervain and vervain are similar, and many people can't tell who is which. Let's take a look at the difference between lemon vervain and vervain so that you can quickly distinguish between the two. 1. Morphological difference 1. Lemon verbena: deciduous small irrigation

The names of lemon vervain and vervain are similar, and many people can't tell who is which. Let's take a look at the difference between lemon vervain and vervain so that you can quickly distinguish between the two.

I. morphological differences

1. Lemon verbena: deciduous shrub, 1.5-3m high, square stem, hard wood, rough and striped. Leaves opposite or whorled, lanceolate, with strong aroma. Flowers arranged into axillary, dense, Terete spikes; Calyx small, 2-lobed, 2-lipped, upper lip 1-2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, inner white, outer red-blue; stamens 4, ovary 2-loculed. Fruit small, dry. The florescence is from June to August.

two。 Vervain: vervain, perennial erect herb, up to 120 cm tall, Lignification at base, simple leaves opposite, ovate to long ovate, hirsute on both sides, especially dense on lower veins. Spikes terminal or axillary, flowers blue-purple, sessile, calyx membranous, tubular, Corolla slightly 2-lipped, filaments very short; ovary glabrous, fruit enclosed in calyx, nutlets. The flowering and fruiting period is from June to October.

Second, the main value

1. Lemon verbena is so valuable that it can be used to make tea, can be crushed as a filler, or mixed with sauces, drinks, and jelly desserts; some herbal teas with special and temporarily uncomfortable tastes are more refreshing after properly blending lemon verbena; even pharmacists mix it with some bitter herbs.

two。 Verbena whole grass for medicinal use, cool, taste Wei Wei, cool blood, dissipate blood stasis, menstruation, heat-clearing, detoxification, anti-itching, deworming, anti-bloating effect.

Lemon verbena and vervain are different, so you must make a careful distinction so as not to get confused.