
Strategic thinking on the Globalization of China's Agricultural Development

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In 1995, China had the idea of "going out of agriculture". In 2007, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee formally put forward the idea of going out of agriculture as a national strategy. In the past 20 years, China's agriculture has gone through the development process of non-governmental initiation and the implementation of national strategy. Over the past 20 years, China

In 1995, China had the formulation of "going out" in agriculture. In 2007, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee formally put forward the "going out" of agriculture as a national strategy. In the past 20 years, the "going out" of Chinese agriculture has experienced the development process of non-governmental initiation and the implementation of national strategy. Over the past 20 years, China's agriculture has made good achievements and encountered some problems in "going out". To sum up, the main achievements are as follows: the accelerated growth of foreign direct investment, the increasingly extensive and diversified investment regions, methods and industries, and the rapid accumulation of investment income and experience; the main problems are shown at three levels. first, there are some problems at the enterprise level, such as shortage of funds, lack of international talents, lack of overseas operation and management experience, weak cooperation among enterprises, and so on. Second, at the institutional policy level, there are some obstacles in the absence of national public services, such as mismatch of domestic financing policies, mismatching of supporting policies, lack of trade facilitation measures, lack of detailed implementation of investment agreements between some countries, and incoordination between national target assessment and enterprise investment operation cycle. Third, there are environmental risk challenges at the host country level, such as policies that discriminate against Chinese enterprises, inadequate infrastructure supply, unstable social environment, inconvenient labor policies, and inloose border policies. Deepening the achievements and experience of China's agricultural "going out" and facing up to and solving various problems are the basis for promoting China's agricultural development to the world in the new era. Since the financial crisis, the world economy has moved forward in turmoil, the international pattern has been profoundly adjusted, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and China's new generation of leaders have shown great foresight and systematically planned China's global development strategy. timely launch of the "Belt and Road Initiative" strategy that affects the future world development pattern and China's development prospects, all of which provide a new strategic background for China's agricultural development to move towards the world. If China's agricultural development is to go global in the future, we must judge the hour and size up the situation, devise strategies, achieve accurate positioning, firmly determine the overall situation, and achieve systematic planning.

First, judge the hour and size up the situation and deeply analyze the strategic situation of China's agricultural development towards the world.

The trend of China's agricultural development towards the world should deeply distinguish and analyze the strategic development situation, move at the same time, conform to the trend, and take advantage of the situation.

(1) the present stage is a period of major strategic opportunity for China's agricultural development to move towards the world.

Judging that the present stage is a period of major strategic opportunity for China's agricultural development to move towards the world, it is based on the following three major facts:

First, China's national strength is rising rapidly, and it already has the national strength to plan agricultural development on a global scale. The three decades of reform and opening up have witnessed the rapid improvement of China's comprehensive strength. China has surpassed Japan, Germany and many other developed countries to become the second largest economy in the world, with an economic growth rate in the forefront of the world and foreign exchange reserves of about 4 trillion yuan. China is not only the locomotive of the world economic development, but also an important stabilizer to iron out the world economic fluctuations. At present, with the help of the east wind of national strength, it is the right time for China's agricultural development to go global.

Second, although the four major international grain merchants of ABCD occupy an important position in the global agricultural product market and temporarily control the pricing power of major agricultural products in the world, the world's undeveloped agricultural resources are still abundant. At present, there is still huge room for China's agricultural development to move towards the world. Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America and Russia still have a lot of arable land to be developed, the agricultural technology level of many developing countries still needs to be improved, and there are still many regional gaps and link gaps in the world agricultural industry chain. At present, it is the right time for China's agricultural development to go global by making use of the world agricultural development potential space to fill the regional gap and connect the gap in the industrial chain.

Third, the rapid growth of Chinese agricultural enterprises and the mature development of agricultural technology have created a profound internal skill for China's agriculture to move towards the world. Multinational enterprises are the main body of agriculture to go global, and advanced agricultural technology is the key to the globalization of agriculture. In recent years, with the rapid development of agricultural industrialization in China, a number of export-oriented leading enterprises with strong competitiveness and strong ability to open up markets at home and abroad have emerged, which are beginning to show their edge in overseas agricultural investment and transnational agricultural operation. In terms of agricultural technology, China has many technological advantages, such as hybrid rice, pest control, livestock and poultry breeding, water-saving irrigation, biogas construction and other technologies, which not only provide technical impetus for China's agricultural development since the reform and opening up, but also provide agricultural technical assistance to many countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America through technical demonstration centers. At present, with the leading enterprises of export-oriented agricultural industrialization as the teacher and the advanced and applicable agricultural technology as the sharp weapon, it is the right time for China's agricultural development to move towards the world.

(2) the current world development situation is beneficial to China's agricultural development towards the world as a whole.

Judging the world development situation is beneficial to China's agricultural development towards the world as a whole, based on a comprehensive evaluation of the following challenges and opportunities:

First, although there are still downward risks in the development of the world, the prices of agricultural products are in a depression, but the trend of economic growth is expected to recover and the prospects for agricultural development are promising. Since the financial crisis, the economic development of developed countries has slowed down, the crisis in some countries has continued, the euro zone is approaching deflation, the risk of sovereign debt crisis in Europe has increased, the political situation in West Asia and North Africa has been unstable, and geopolitical risks have not been mitigated. The economic development of emerging countries, especially the BRICS, has been divided, China's economic development has entered a medium-to-high-speed stage, demand has weakened, and global economic growth has declined. Affected by the slowdown of the world economy, world demand for commodities is low, prices have fallen for three years in a row, and commodities such as grains and energy are in a price depression. However, the global economy is in a period of recovery after the crisis, global monetary policy is generally loose, deleveraging has slowed, some countries have introduced economic stimulus measures, and developing countries such as China and India have strengthened their economic reforms. Asian, European and African countries have responded positively to the Belt and Road Initiative advocated by China, and the world economy is expected to recover. With the further rise in the income of residents in developing countries and the acceleration of urbanization, the demand for agricultural products will further expand, and there are good prospects for global agricultural development in the future. On the whole, it is concluded that the development of the world economy and agricultural economy will improve in the future, and China's agricultural development will move towards the global economic environment and agricultural development environment.

Second, although some international public opinion with ulterior motives has deteriorated the image of China's agriculture "going out", the number of allies supporting China's agricultural development towards the world is increasing and the relationship is getting closer. At present, the media in some countries in the world judge China's agriculture "going out" in bad terms and label it "neo-colonialism","neo-imperialism" and "resource plundering theory", which leads to discriminatory restrictions on Chinese enterprises in land purchase and lease in some countries. However, China has gradually resolved the adverse effects of these negative public opinions with practical actions and assisted the agricultural development of the host country with real, responsible agricultural investment in line with international rules. Development achievements benefit local residents, win the hearts and minds of the people, and harvest friendship; under the further strategic guidance of the national high-level, China's agricultural "going out" increasingly highlights the concepts of "kinship, sincerity, benefit and tolerance" and "harmony", does not engage in "zero-sum game", emphasizes common development and mutual benefit, consolidates and develops cooperative relations, and expands the ranks of allies. At present, China has more and more allies in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Some countries regard China as an all-weather friend, and many countries have formed strategic cooperative relations with China. In this period of profound adjustment of the international pattern, China and other emerging forces are rising, old capitalist countries are declining, and the pattern of national relations and interests is facing a reshuffle. A new security concept centered on equality, mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win will replace power politics in the pattern of world interests. On the whole, noise is not the mainstream, the development concept of "harmony" is the right way, and the international environment for China's agricultural development to move towards the world is generally favorable.

Third, although the risks of overseas agricultural operations are prominent, the ability of China's agriculture to control risks globally has steadily improved. Overseas agricultural projects not only have the general characteristics of long construction and production cycle, great influence by natural conditions, technical adaptability, price fluctuation of agricultural products, weak self-development ability and relatively large project implementation risks, but also are affected by special risks such as changes in political situation, changes in economic policies and exchange rate fluctuations in the investing country. Overseas business performance is very vulnerable to the impact of these risks. However, the pace of China's agricultural enterprises going global has not stopped, agricultural foreign investment has grown steadily, with an average annual growth rate of more than 20%. These enterprises that carry out overseas investment have gradually enriched their strategic tools to deal with various risks, and their ability to control risks has been significantly improved. In addition, relevant domestic enterprises and ministries have also provided risk analysis information for China's agricultural going global. Since 2005, China Export Credit Insurance Corporation has issued the National Risk Analysis Report, which evaluates and identifies the risk status of more than 190 sovereign countries in the world; the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have jointly issued the Catalogue of Foreign Investment Country Industry Orientation since 2004; since 2011, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have jointly issued the Guidelines for Foreign Investment Country Industry (2011); All these have clarified the risk factors and determined the direction and focus of encouragement for China's agricultural development towards the world. On the whole, there are many risk factors facing China's agricultural development towards the world, but the ability to identify, cope with and control risks has also been significantly enhanced.