
Taxus can bear fruit in a few years

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Taxus is a general term for plants of the genus Taxus. There are about 11 species of the genus, distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. There are 4 species and 1 variety in China. So how many years can the yew bear fruit? 1. Taxus can bear dioecious plants for several years, and it will only blossom and bear fruit after eight years, and only male plants will blossom.

Taxus is a general term for plants of the genus Taxus. There are about 11 species of the genus, distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. There are 4 species and 1 variety in China. So how many years can the yew bear fruit?

First, the yew can bear fruit in a few years

Taxus chinensis var. mairei dioecious did not blossom until eight years later. The male plant only blossoms but does not bear fruit, and the female plant only bears beans but does not blossom.

Second, the main uses of Taxus

The sapwood of this kind of wood is narrow, which is obviously different from heartwood. It has no resin channels and resin cells, and has uniform texture, fine structure, high hardness, strong anticorrosion and strong toughness. For excellent construction, bridges, furniture, equipment and other materials. Because of the low output, it is generally only used for cabinetwork, oars, arch products, turning, carving, musical instruments and box boards, etc.

Seeds can extract oil. Leaves evergreen, dark green, aril fleshy red, quite beautiful, can be used as a garden tree.

The tree species of this genus have strong shade tolerance, slow growth and scattered distribution in the natural forest, and the number of wild trees is decreasing day by day. The wood is excellent, so it is suitable to choose afforestation and strengthen tending management, which can accelerate its growth and produce fine wood. 、

Third, the edible method of Taxus.

1. Fried water

Take 20 grams of dried yew bark, wash it with clean water, put it in a casserole, add a kilogram of water, heat it over high fire, boil it over low heat for half an hour, take it out and drink it instead of tea can effectively prevent cancer.

two。 Make tea

Choose dried bark or roots, you can also use it to dry leaves, when making tea, you can take out 10 grams and add boiling water to brew directly. After rinsing, you can stew for ten minutes, and then drink directly.

3. Soak wine and drink

Prepare a glass bottle, make the yew into blocks, put it into the dried glass bottle, and then add the prepared pure grain liquor sealed and soaked, 15 days later, you can drink it directly.

Taxus is recognized as a natural rare anticancer plant on the verge of extinction in the world. It is an ancient relict tree species left over from Quaternary glaciers and has a history of 2.5 million years on earth.