
How much is the dry shoot price per jin? Attached cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Shegan, also known as Wufan, Wupu, Huangyuan and Wudu, is a kind of plant with ornamental value and medicinal value. Shegan is widely distributed in China, and it is planted in both north and south regions, but it does not have high requirements for planting environment and soil. It can be planted on hillsides and dry land.

Shegan, also known as Wufan, Wupu, Huangyuan and Wudu, is a kind of plant with ornamental value and medicinal value. Shegan is widely distributed in China, and it is planted in both north and south regions, but it does not have high requirements for planting environment and soil, whether it is hillside and dry land. How much is the dry shoot price per jin? Cultivation techniques are attached.

1. How much is the dry shoot price per jin?

The price of shoot dry is about 25-30 yuan per jin, which is still higher than that of the same period last year. Now the supply price on the market is relatively stable, because the planting area is smaller than last year, so the price of shoot dry is fluctuating. In addition, the price of shoot dry will also be affected by the origin, specifications, market supply, purchase quantity, purchase channels and other factors.

Second, shoot stem planting technology

1. Soil requirements

Shegan is suitable for planting in places with deep roar, strong looseness, rich in organic matter and good drainage.

2. Land preparation

After the land is raked and leveled, it is necessary to make a bed, and then apply a certain amount of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer, urea, phosphate fertilizer and so on to mix in the soil, waiting for sowing.

3. Sowing seeds

Shegan is planted by sowing, which is divided into two steps: seedling raising and transplanting. The dried seeds should be germinated before sowing, mixed with dried seeds and moist sand and stored indoors, waiting for the dried seeds to show white before sowing. Generally choose to sow in the first ten days of April, sow the seeds evenly in the ditch and irrigate them, which is beneficial to the emergence of shoot-dried seeds.

In the later stage, the field management of Shegan should be strengthened, and it will be able to be transplanted after a year.

4. Transplanting

The time of shoot stem transplanting is autumn or spring of the following year, and then irrigate to keep the shoot alive.

5. Field management

In order to reduce the growth of weeds, the soil can be treated with chemicals before transplanting, which can achieve the effect of prevention.

Shegan should be watered reasonably when the climate is dry and the temperature is relatively high, not too much at one time, especially in cloudy and rainy weather, there is no need for extra watering, but also talk about the discharge of excess water, so as to avoid the occurrence of stagnant water and rotten roots.

Shoot dry growth needs fertilizer, in addition to the base fertilizer in the spring of the following year, the need for additional topdressing, per mu of urea fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on.

6. Pest control

The common diseases and insect pests are rust, underground insect pests and so on. The main symptom of rust is brown, raised rust spots on the leaves. In the initial stage of the disease, professional agents should be used for prevention and control, usually pay more attention to observe the growth of leaves, see if there are spots or rotten leaves, try to control the impact of diseases and insect pests very small.