
The difference between Reed and grass

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to Reed, everyone must be familiar with it. Its stem can be used as mat and broom, Reed flower can be used as quilt core and pillow core to keep warm, and it can also be used as flower arrangement. It is of high ornamental value. What is the difference between Reed and grass? I. Reed and grass

When it comes to Reed, everyone must be familiar with it. Its stem can be used as mat and broom, Reed flower can be used as quilt core and pillow core to keep warm, and it can also be used as flower arrangement. It is of high ornamental value. What is the difference between Reed and grass?

What is the difference between Reed and grass?

First, the appearance is different.

Reed 1-3 m high, with more than 20 nodes, the lower part of the leaf sheath is shorter than its upper part, longer than its internodes, ligule edge densely covered with a circle of about 1 mm short cilia, easy to fall off, leaf blade lanceolate linear, glabrous, tip long acuminate into filiform. Grass culms erect, hollow, 2-10 mm in diam. Leaf sheath glabrous or finely hairy; ligule short, densely shortly hairy, leaf blade flattened, smooth or margin scabrous.

Difference 2. Different habitats from different places

Phragmites communis is a polytypic species widely distributed all over the world. Born in rivers and lakes, ponds and ditches along the banks and low wetlands, in addition to the forest habitat does not grow, a variety of open areas with water sources, often with its rapidly expanding reproductive capacity to form a series of Reed communities. Reed grass is born in ponds, riverside wetlands, sandy land, swampy meadows and saline-alkali beaches. In particular, there is a lot of production in various parts of Inner Mongolia. It is produced all over the country and all continents of the world.

Second, what are the functions of Reed?

1. The economic value of Reed.

Reed stalks have a high content of cellulose and can be used for papermaking and man-made fibers. In ancient times, reeds were used to make "Reed mats" for laying Kang and building houses. In addition, in ancient times, there was a musical instrument called Reed flute, which was made of the empty stem of Reed. The ears of reeds can be used to make brooms, and the tidbits of Reed flowers can be used to fill pillows for many purposes.

2. The garden value of Reed.

Reeds are grown by the water and are especially beautiful in the flowering season. At present, the new varieties of Reed on the market have the characteristics of deep water cold resistance, drought resistance, high temperature resistance and lodging resistance, and have the advantages of short-term shaping and rapid landscape formation. Reed has strong vitality and adapts to a wide range of environment, so it is the first choice for water surface greening, water purification, swamp wetlands, soil protection, dike consolidation and soil improvement.

3. The animal husbandry value of Reed.

The biomass of Reed is high, and the leaves, flowers, stems, roots and asparagus can be used in animal husbandry with high feeding value. Livestock like to eat the tender stems and leaves of Reed. Reed land can be used for mowing grassland or for both grazing and mowing. It is suitable for grazing horses and cattle. In addition to grazing and utilization, it can also make hay and silage. After silage, the grass has a strong smell.

4. the medicinal value of Phragmites communis

The rhizome of Reed is called Reed root, which is cold and sweet. It can be used to clear stomach fire, remove lung heat, and has the effect of invigorating stomach, relieving nausea and diuresis. The Compendium of Materia Medica records that Reed leaves have the effect of "treating cholera vomiting and carbuncle gangrene", while Reed flowers have the effects of hemostasis and detoxification, blood avalanche and upper vomiting and diarrhea.

5. The ecological value of Reed.

Reed has the function of protecting soil and strengthening embankment and can prevent soil erosion. A large area of Reed can not only regulate the climate, but also conserve water, form a good wetland ecological environment, and provide habitat for birds. The leaves, stems and rhizomes of Phragmites australis all have aerated tissue and have the function of purifying sewage.