
Can kapok be eaten raw?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Kapok is a deciduous tree of the genus kapok in the kapok family, also known as Panzhihua, Mulian, red jasmine, mulberry, red cotton and so on. It is widely distributed in the tropics. It was widely planted in Taiwan in 1645. Kapok can be used as medicine, usually after fresh kapok is dried in the sun

Kapok is a deciduous tree of the genus kapok in the kapok family, also known as Panzhihua, Mulian, red jasmine, mulberry, red cotton and so on. It is widely distributed in the tropics. It was widely planted in Taiwan in 1645. Kapok can be used as medicine, generally fresh kapok is dried after cooking porridge or soup, so kapok can be eaten raw?

Can kapok be eaten raw

Fresh kapok can not be eaten raw, its flowers contain certain biotoxins, direct consumption is easy to cause food poisoning, cause stomachache, diarrhea, gastrointestinal discomfort and other problems, serious may cause coma. In addition, outdoor kapok is easy to be mixed with impurities and eggs, and the petals are easy to mildew and affect your health. If you want to eat it, it is best to buy it in a regular pharmacy.

As a material for both medicine and food, kapok was first seen in the essential herbs in the Qing Dynasty. it has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, and is widely used in folk and herbal tea. Kapok has the effect of clearing heat, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. If hemorrhoid bleeding is accompanied by halitosis, epigastric distension, constipation and other symptoms, kapok and sophora flower can be used to prepare medicinal diet.

Second, the edible way of kapok

1. Kapok, barley, rice, pig bone soup

Specific methods: wash kapok and scrub the dust on the surface; wash barley and lentils and soak them in clean water for an hour; wash pig fan bones, cut into pieces, and pick up boiling water; boil water, put in all ingredients, cook over high heat for 20 minutes, then turn to low heat for an hour and a half, season with salt and serve.

two。 Balsam pear kapok beef soup

Specific methods: wash balsam pear, cut off the flesh, slice; kapok wash, soak; beef wash, slice. Add water and sliced ginger to boil in tile boil, add balsam pear and kapok, turn to medium heat and cook for 45 minutes. Add beef and season with salt. It is beneficial to the effect of removing dampness, clear eyes and detoxification.

Kapok is not only edible, but also has a very high ornamental value. Jin Gehong's "Xijing Miscellaneous Records": in the Western Han Dynasty, Zhao Tuo, king of Nanyue, paid tribute to the Han emperor. It can be seen that kapok is in full bloom.