
How much is the price of green vegetables per jin in 2019? Attached planting method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green cabbage is what we call Chinese cabbage, rape, high nutritional value, rich in minerals and vitamins, whether stir-fried or used to boil porridge, stewed tofu are more delicious. Small green vegetables are planted in all parts of our country, and their ability to adapt to the environment is better than that of the environment.

Green cabbage is what we call Chinese cabbage, rape, high nutritional value, rich in minerals and vitamins, whether stir-fried or used to boil porridge, stewed tofu are more delicious. Small green vegetables are planted in all parts of our country, and they have a strong ability to adapt to the environment. Let's take a look at how much green vegetables cost per jin in 2019. What are the main points of planting methods?

How much is the price of green vegetables per jin in 2019?

Recently, the price of green vegetables has an upward trend, about 1-3 yuan, there are some differences in different places. In addition, the price of green vegetables will be affected by the market time, region, purchase channels and other factors. According to the relevant website, we can learn that the recent changes in the price of green vegetables are as follows:

The price of small green vegetables is 1.7 yuan / jin in Longshiqiao vegetable Wholesale Market in Anhui City, 1.25 yuan / jin in Dayang Road Agricultural products Wholesale Market in Chaoyang District, Beijing, 1.5 yuan / jin in Dayang Road Comprehensive Market in Chaoyang District, Beijing, 1.8 yuan / jin in Jiuquan Chunguang Agricultural products Market in Gansu Province, and 1.1 yuan / jin in Liuyong Agricultural Wholesale Market in Liuzhou, Guangxi. Hebei Handan (Weixian) Tianxian Fruit Agricultural Trade Wholesale Market green vegetable price is 1 yuan / jin.

Second, the planting method of small green vegetables

1. Raising seedlings

First pour the pot soil thoroughly, mix the small green vegetable seeds and fine soil well, then sow them on the surface of the soil, slightly cover the thin soil, and cover the seeds. It usually takes three or four days to sprout, and it takes about a week when the temperature is low. Can also use the method of on-demand, each hole two or three seeds, the distance between about three to five centimeters, the high temperature time interval can be smaller, the lower temperature time interval is slightly larger.

The soil should be kept moist in the seedling stage, and the soil should be watered in the morning and in the evening when the temperature is high. After half a month of germination, a thin mature organic fertilizer was sprayed with watering. When there are four or five true leaves, the seedlings can be transplanted and planted, and the distance between plants depends on the size of the variety. Watering after planting, shading a little, and normal management after survival.

2. Water and fertilizer

During the growth period, pakchoi should be watered at the right time to keep the soil moist. Large amount of fertilizer is needed, basic fertilizer is high, topdressing is needed by stages during the growth period, and the principles of light in the early stage, heavy in the middle and replenishing in the later stage should be grasped.

3. Harvest

The harvest of seedling in open field in March is slower than that from late February to late March, that in greenhouse in April is slower than that from late March to early April, and that in May is slower than that from late April to early May. Remove the root with a kitchen knife, and the clean vegetables are on the market.

3. Pest control

The common pest of pakchoi is aphids, the main vector of virus disease, usually pay more attention to observe the back of the leaves, find wormholes, leaf spots, yellowing and other phenomena, then timely medication. However, do not spray pesticides one month before the harvest time, otherwise it will endanger human health.