
The difference between Gowardesh and wild chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, From July to September, many paparazzi grow on wasteland, roadsides and grasslands, which are very beautiful, but because they are similar to wild chrysanthemums, many people think they are the same kind, but they are not. What is the difference between paparazzi and wild chrysanthemums? First, Gowardesh and wild chrysanthemum

From July to September, many paparazzi grow on wasteland, roadsides and grasslands, which are very beautiful, but because they are similar to wild chrysanthemums, many people think they are the same kind, but they are not. What is the difference between paparazzi and wild chrysanthemums?

First, what is the difference between Gowardesh and wild chrysanthemum?

Difference 1. Different families and genera

Gowardesh is an annual or biennial herb of the genus Asteraceae, while wild chrysanthemum is a perennial herb of the genus Chunhuang of Compositae.

Second, the appearance is different

Gowardesh stems 30-50cm high, sometimes as high as 150cm, solitary, sometimes several tufted, basal and lower leaves Obovate, apex obtuse or rounded, entire or sparsely toothed, flowers solitary on branches and arranged into corymbums, fruit Obovate, flat, finely ribbed, densely hairy; wild chrysanthemum plants 0.25-1 m high, with underground long or short stolons. Stems erect or diffuse, branched or branched only at the top of the stem with corymbose branches, inflorescences quasi-globose, 0.3~1cm in diameter, brownish yellow. The involucre consists of 4-5 layers of bracts. Ligulate flowers in a whorl, yellow, wrinkled and curled; tubular flowers numerous, dark yellow.

Third, the florescence is different

Gowardesh florescence from July to September, fruiting period from August to September, and wild chrysanthemum florescence from June to November.

Fourth, the efficacy is different.

Gowardesh root is used in medicine to detoxify and detumescence, treat sores and snakebites; wild chrysanthemum is slightly cold, with evacuation of wind and heat, detumescence and detoxification. Can treat eczema carbuncle swelling, sore throat, wind fire red eyes, headache and vertigo and other diseases.

Second, how to raise paparazzi?

1. Lighting

We all know that it often grows in the wasteland, so it can be seen that it is more suitable for open-air farming, when raising it, light is very important. But although it is a very light-loving plant, it is not tolerant of strong light and western sunlight. If the light is too strong or western sunlight, it will easily burn its plants. So when it enjoys the light, you must pay attention to this.

Generally, when planting it, we plant it in a side light-blocking environment as far as possible, but we can't plant it in the shade or under a big tree, so that although it blocks the strong light, it is easy to make it grow poorly, so that when it grows up, the tree shape is smaller, the branches and leaves are sparse, and the leaves become dull, and they won't even blossom in the future, so the light must be regulated well.

2. Temperature

Gowardesh is actually more tolerant to the cold, generally in the low temperature of minus 20 degrees, it will not be frozen to death. Although it is relatively resistant to low temperature, it should not be planted in the vent when it is raised, otherwise it will be prone to striping. And it can also make it through the winter smoothly when the temperature is low in winter.

3. Soil

Gowardesh is generally inclined to fertile, moist and well-drained slightly acidic soil, so when raising it, try to choose the soil that meets this requirement, so that it can be raised better. In addition, it can be adapted even in slightly alkaline soil.

4. Moisture

People who know about it all know that its roots are fleshy, so they are afraid of stagnant water, so it is necessary for us to control the moisture when we raise it, and we must water it appropriately at ordinary times to make the soil a little moist.

5. Choose a good time for transplantation

Because it is very intolerant of transplantation, when raising it, if we want to transplant it, we need to choose the right time, usually 10 to 15 days before its germination or when the fallen flowers have not yet spread their leaves. This is the best time to transplant. In addition, it should be watered 4 to 5 days before seedling emergence, so that the plant can fully absorb water and survive more easily after transplanting.